Chapter 2

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There was a girl sitting in the woods I watched them for awhile. They were on my property. Well more of my dad's property. The one girl was beautiful. She had short brown hair with golden highlights and beautiful curves. She wasn't super skinny but she wasn't overweight either.

I only heard parts of the conversation. The other girl had long brown hair. She was pretty to but nothing like the other girl. The other girl stole my heart. What did I know about love? Nothing absolutely nothing.

The one girl called the one who stole my heart babe. That made me worry if my chances with her were out the window.

She had the most beautiful blue eyes. They were blue-ish gray-is green-ish I've never seen as pretty eyes as that.

The one girl with long brown hair left. I heard her crying. Oh crap I forgot to text Essa. Just the name made her sound beautiful. Although Essa had nothing on the girl I saw in front of me. I didn't even know what Essa looked like though.

'Hey, Essa. Its been one hour' I texted Essa

"You're not a lesbian are you? nothing wrong with lesbians it's just if you are it ruins my chances." I said to the girl in front of me. She was beautiful. She jumped I must've scared her

"Who are you my shadow?" She asked. She didn't seem scared. I was surprised most people would've been scared.

"Yup I'll be you're shadow as long as you stay my tresspasser." I said with a wink.

"Am I tresspassing? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. We never thought someone owned this land. Please don't call the police." She said all panicked

"Don't worry Tress. I don't mind being your shadow. All you have to do is let me take you on a date. Then you can come back here as much as you want. So what do you say Tress. Will you let me take you out to eat on a date?" She was beautiful. I hoped she said yes. I hoped she let me stay her shadow.

"No, I'm not a lesbian. Okay, I'll go on a date with you. I have my car here though." She said. She looked sad. I wanted to make her happy.

"Thats okay I'll drop you off back here." She looked uncomfortable with that. "Or we could take separate cars" I offered. Maybe she wouldn't be as uncomfortable if we took separate cars.

"Okay. Whats the address? By the way how old are you shadow?" Tress asked. Why did she want to know how old I am? Was she interested in me?

"I'm 19. How about you Tress?" I asked. Please let her be at least 18.

"I'm 18, shadow." I was happy. So it wasn't weird that I was taking her on a date was it?

"I know the perfect place to go. Are you okay with a small cafe?" I hope she was. It was my favorite place. I never offered to bring anyone else there but her. Why was she so different? Why did I want to show her my life? Out of everyone I knew I never let anyone in. So why her? Why now?

"Sure." she said. I gave her the address to the cafe. I checked my phone Essa still hasn't answered me. I'm not giving up on her. I wanted to be her friend now. Essa's friend I mean.

'Hey, please text me back. I'm going to be busy but I'll text you again in an hour or so.' I texted Essa. I didn't expected her to text me back though.


I watched shadow put his phone away. I wondered who he was texting. he was gorgeous. He had dark brown hair. It was short. He had green eyes. There was something about him that was different. He wasn't like other guys. I felt as if I already had a connection to him.

I followed him for about 10 minutes when I saw this little stip mall. There weren't really any houses near by that I could see. There was a cafe across from the strip mall. He pulled into the parking lot and parked. I followed him and parked next to him.

He opened the car door for me and the front door. He had manners. I was falling for shadow. I refused to though I swore off boys. 'Then why did you let him take you on a date?' I asked myself

I let him take me on a date so I wouldn't lose my private spot. At least thats what I told myself. We sat at the table closest to the door.

Our waiter came. We both orded tea and the same food. It surprised me not many people order tea. At least not anyone I knew of ordered tea. He looked just as surprised as I was.

"So Tress do you have a boyfriend?" He asked me. I don't know why but it just felt so right talking to him.

"No. Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked. Maybe he wasn't as perfect as he seemed. Maybe he did. Why wouldn't someone like him have a girlfriend. He was gorgeous.

"I wouldn't asked you on a date if I did. I'm not that kind of man. So Tress what do you do for fun?" He asked. Why was he so interested in me? Not that I minded maybe he actually liked me or something. I could only hope that.

"Um. I'm not sure. I hang out with my best friend spirit a lot. She's fun. I don't think I'm that interesting. How about you?" He listened to what I had to say. He actually looked interested in what I was saying.

"I work a lot. My dad has a farm. He does it for fun he likes the hard work. I enjoy it too. It really pays off in the end. Do you have a job?" He asked. I just smiled. That explains why he looks so strong.

"I had a job but I quit it started interfering with school. School is pretty important if you want to make it in life." Our food came.

"This is my favorite place and my favorite meal. Im surprised you ordered it. It doesn't get ordered very often. I know I used to work here." He said. He seemed to say it mindlessly. Maybe he felt at ease with me. Just maybe.

We talked about our lifes. To the point where I was even laughing at his stories. It felt good to laugh again. It feels like forever since I had this much fun.

"Thanks shadow. I had a ton of fun tonight." I said as I opened my car door. I had a stupid smile on my face.

"You have a beautiful smile. I had fun too. I'll see you around Tress." With that he got Into his car.

"See you around shadow." I whispered as I got into the car. What if I didn't see him around again. I thought as a single tear rolled down my face. I drove home thinking of all the fun I had tonight. It felt good to be happy. I wanted to hold onto that happiness that I found in him tonight. I got home headed to my room.

'Good night Essa' Stefan texted me

'Good night Stefan.' I texed back. Yes it was a very good night

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