As I was unlocking my door, I felt someones presence next to me. I looked up and narrowed my eyes.

"Nice to see you too, Frost." Jack said, giving me a half smile.

I eventually unlocked my door and opened it, almost forgetting about the idiot leaning on my car. "Was there something you needed?" I asked impatiently.

He held his hands up in defense, "Just saying hey." He said before walking off.

I rolled my eyes and got into my car. I guess you could say

Jack and I have had problems in the past. Problems involving him being my ex best friend. He got involved with drugs and alcohol last year, and when he refused to give them up, I stopped talking to him.

Once I walked through my front door, I was pulled into the living room by my parents. They sat me down on the couch and stood in front of me, looking uneasy.

"What's going on?" I asked.

They looked at each other before answering, "Starting tomorrow you'll be attending Frost Academy." My father said.

It took me a few seconds to realize that they weren't joking, "This is great!" I said, standing up to hug them.

When I pulled away, I noticed that they didn't look as happy as I did. I shook it off as my father spoke, "You'll be living there, also. You may not see much of me, unless you're a trouble maker, that is." He gave me a fatherly look.

I rolled my eyes, "Psh, not me..."

"You'll also have to wear a uniform."

A uniform? Gross...

My father chuckled, seeing my expression. "Go on now, go pack."

I saluted him before running off to my room, "Yes, sir."

I wonder what made them change their minds, I had been asking-no, begging. I had been begging them to let me go to Frost Academy ever since I started high school. It seemed as though I belonged there.

The next morning I was ready to go, dressed in the school uniform.

A black skirt goes three inches at most above the knee, the black jacket had two buttons on it and the school emblem sewed onto it on the left, the details in blue and gold. I decided to wear my tie loosely, so I wouldn't look like some sort of prep. It was a reddish coloured, in contrast to the black skirt.

In my opinion the whole outfit looked kind of slutty, and the skirt was a bit short. Don't get me wrong, I have a nice body... but the outfit made me a bit uncomfortable.

About an hour later my father and I arrived at Frost Academy, pulling up to the private gates. A man in uniform walked over to inspect us, he nodded at my dad but did a double take of me.


"My daughter. Will you open the gates for us, Samuel?'

Samuel stood up straight, suddenly formal. "Yes, sir."

As we drove by, I stared at the academy with awe. It was beautiful, and so were the people in it. It seemed so unreal to have so many beautiful people in one place.

"Dad?" I asked.


I looked over at him, "Don't you think it's a bit strange that there are so many good-looking people that attend this academy?"

"Coincidence?" He offered, but it seemed like there was more to it.

He parked the car in his special headmaster parking spot and helped me get my bags out of the back seat. I almost ran off into the school without him, but he grabbed my hand and looked me seriously in the eyes.

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