Welcome to Canterlot High

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So the turtles, karia, april, and casey walked up towards the school and were amazed how huge it was. "Wow, this school is even bigger than Roosevelt High." April commented with casey nodding in agreement. "Hey guys!" Someone called out. They looked over to their left and saw the Mighty Mutanimals. There was a giant navy blue turtle with claw like nails and spikes on his shell and he had on a black mask. His name is Slash; well it used to be spike, raphs pet turtle, before he got mutated. There was a monkey with metal armor on both his wrist and a metal helmet with glow pick light. His name is Dr. Rockwell a pyshic scientists who got mutated as well. A large mutant
crocodile named Leather Head. And then a mutant pigeon with blue jeans, hardley any feathers on his bare chest, and a soliders hat. His name is Pigeon Pete and had gotten mutated too. "Hey Slash, ready for school bud?" Raph asked. "Yeah, i guess, though its my first time." Slash said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Well i can't wait for my favorite time of the day in school, lunch." Said pigeon pete. "Well then lets go in everyone." Leo declared then everyone walled up the steps and entered the buliding. They were amazed as they entered and eere in awe at how the buliding looked "This looks incredible in the inside." Karia says as she looks around. "This is awesome, i can't wait for all the science classes." Donnie bounced with excitment. "Indeed, there are so many wonderful new things to learn in science." Rockwell agreed. "Of course you two geeks are interested in that." Said raph as he got glares from both genuises. "Come on dudes, i see the principles office right there." Mikey stated as they all walked towards the door. Leo gently knocked on it getting a "come in." From behind it. So he opened the door and they all entered to meet a women with different light color long wavy hair and with a super light pink skinned women. She wore a golden yellow blazer with a golden sun pin with long pure pants and gold heals. As her violet eyes looked at the group, she gave a warm smile "Why hello, you must be the new students and heroes of the city, i am Principle Celestia its a pleasure to meet you all." "Why thank you principle celestia, we actually came here to get our schedules." Leo explained. "Oh, i have them right here." She said as she grabbed a plie of papers and got up handing each of them their schedules. Then she walked back to her desk pressing a button on her intercom then spoke into it "Sunset Shimmer, come to the office please." Releasing the button. "Thanks for our schedules mam." Donnie said
"And thank you all for saving the world. I think it would be best if you wait oitside for your tour guide." Celestia explained. "Ok we'll wait outside." April said as she opened the door going out along with the others. "If you need anything your always welcome in my office and i hope you enjoy your years of highschool here. I'm sure you'll find it, magical." Principal celestia said as she closed the door. "What did she mean by 'magic'?" Karia asked. "No clue, but i heard that this school was saved three times in the past." Casey explained. "Ok, but by who?" Slash asked. "Hi, are you the new students?" a voice behind them asked and raph turned around while saying "Yeah, we....we..." soon raph started trailing off as he now faced the girl. She had vivid crimson and brillant yellow hair, brillant amber skin tone with cyan eyes. She wore a light green silk shirt, with a black leather jacket, blue leggings, and black high heeled boots. Raph couldn't seem to talk, soon leo noticed and walked up next to his brother. "Yeah, we are." The girl smiled "Well, Hi, i'm sunset shimmer." She introduced. "I'm Leonardo, but call me Leo" "I'm Donatello, but i like to go by Donnie or D." "I'm Micheanglo, but you can call me Mikey dudette." "My names Karia the turtles sister." "Hi i'm April o'Neil." "The names Casey Jones." "I'm Slash, the leader of the Mighty Mutanimals and these are my team mates." "Grettings, do people say 'grettings' now? Any how i am Dr. Rockwell." "Hello, i am Leather Head." "And i'm Pigeon Pete." Sunset Shimmer smiled at the names then looked at the red clad turtle waiting for his name. "Oh, uh, Hi my names Rapheal but i rather be called Raph." He answered. "Its nice to meet all of you. Come, i'll show you around before school starts." Sunset instructed as she started walking forward and raph quickly made his way up to her and smiled at her when she turned to face him as the others followed. "Hey Sunset is it true that this school was saved three times?" Karia asked. Sunset looked back answering "Yup, in fact it was me and my friends who saved this school." While smiling. "You and your friends saved this school?" Leather Head asked. "Mmhmm." She nodded. "Wow, you and you friends must be real heroes sunset." Raph complemented smiling at sunset. "Yeah, but not at the beginning where my friends were the real heroes." Sunset frowned looking down which caught raphs attention. "Is everything ok sunset." he asked. "Uh, y...yeah, everythings ok raph. Let me show you the main area." Sunset Shimmer quickly said avoiding the question walking faster ahead. While it confused the others, raph was worried 'She must be hiding something but i won't push it.' He thought. Then they all entered the main room where there were 4 halls on both the left and right side. A hall in between and a second floor. "Ok, so, they have all the subjects well organized in hall ways. On the right theres Culinary, English, The Music room, and GYM. On the left there's Math, Science, that hall leads to the outside field, and Biology. Oh which reminds me were having a scoccer game this saturday againist Griffon stone High. Tickets only $5. Then that middle hall way is where the Cafeteria is and last but not least the libary is upset stairs." Sunset shimmer explained "Wow, you must have been here for a long time to remember all that." Donnie said. "Yeah well i've been since 10th grade. Are you guys in 11th grade as well?" Sunset asked. "Yes, actually." Leo answered. "Ok, well i better go to my class hall. Oh,and you might have heard this already but welcome to Canterlot High." Sunset shimmer said as she begins to walk away. "Thanks Sunset, and uh i hope i get to see you around." Raph called out. "I hope i get to see you too Rapheal." Sunset called as she headed towards the english hall way, while raph looked at her as he blushed and smiled. Catching groups attention as they all share silent laughs in which catching raphs attention. "What?" He asked annoyed. "Sunset Shimmer was really nice, wasn't she raph?" Leo aked as he smirked. "Yeah, and?" Raph asked again. "You sure were standing awfully close to her." Donnie smirked as well. "So what." Raph retorted. "I think someone has a crush." Karia said teasingly as april giggled. "I Do Not!" Raph yelled, then to make matters worse mikey started singing "Raph and Sunset sitting in a tree, K.I.S-" " Finish that sentence, and i'll finish your Life MIKEY!" Raph treatned now even more ticked off. Just then the bell ringed and students started walking all around them. "Well before that happens we should head to class, see you guys." Leo said as he walked away and so did the others leaving with "see you later" as they all went to their first class of the day.

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