From what I heard from my classmates, he is a fun guy. He loves going to parties, blah blah blah. I forgot the rest of what they said because I started daydreaming of us being together as husband and wife.


He is my Edward Cullen come to life, but the difference is that he just doesn’t sparkle when the sun hits him. But he does glow at night in my very own 20/20 vision.

Right now, I could see him talking with his friends laughing and obviously having fun. I gathered all my courage to talk to him and introduce myself but before that, I took out my mirror to see how I look like.

I hope he likes what he sees --eye bags and all. I dyed my hair because I heard that he likes everything red. I’m not really sure if hair color is included to that rule but I took the risk and dyed my blond hair.

 Yes…anything for my hubby.

I’m not exceptionally beautiful like popular girl, Annabelle Lacy. I don’t turn heads like the girl in the song of One Direction, but I sure as hell know that I have the charm and the charisma to make him fall HOPELESSLY in love with me.

Just watch and see.

I don’t know what they are talking about but he looks depressed.


“I can already feel white hair growing at the top of my head.”*

“Dude you’re right. I see a white hair sticking out.”*

I was so engrossed with my thoughts that I almost passed them on the corridor but to my surprise and luck, he suddenly grabbed...

 My mirror.

 I know that it is not my hand that he is holding so I shouldn’t be this happy, but I can’t stop myself from grinning like an idiot as I watch him fix his already perfectly styled hair.

 “That’s my mirror he’s holding!” I excitedly thought to myself. I’m so proud about something that may be a no big deal to others. But I really want to shout to the world that he’s using something that is mine. Like a husband and wife.


My right hand was on mid-air trying to reach out to him, “What is mine is yours baby—“

Then to my astonishment, he suddenly placed the mirror back in my hand. He turned to glare at his friend.

“Nice try.”*

I should get mad at him for ignoring me like that. He just gets back to talking with his friend as if I never existed. My charm and charisma didn’t work? He even forgot to thank me. How nice. But my crazy self is already jumping in joy because of the contact.

I just experienced my first physical contact with my husband! My future husband!

When our skin touched, I felt a spark. It may sound cliché but that’s what I really felt for the whole three seconds that his fingers were on top of my palm. Yes, I counted the seconds, and those three seconds were the best seconds of my life!


From that simple contact and touching of skin… I already know the answer to the big question.

Yes, I do.

What I mean is, now I already know what I want, and I’m already sure in this decision.


I really want him to be my husband. I can’t wait for us to finish high school so that we could get engaged and marry after our college graduation.

I’m going to introduce myself to him now. I will no longer hide the fact that I’m his intended.

 “Uh—Ethan, I’m—“


The bell suddenly rang. 

Oh Craaap! WHYYYY WHYY! Fate! Why are you so cruel to me?

I saw his friends go on opposite directions, which left him bewildered standing on the middle of the corridor.

I just realized something though.

This is not a boxing ring! No bell is going to save him.

I put on my seductive smile and slowly covered the steps that were separating us. I tapped him on the shoulder and just as I expected, he turned his head to look at me.

 "Hi gorgeous..."

I placed both my hands on top of his head and combed my fingers to his hair. I pulled him down, and kissed him on the lips.

 When I finally let him go, he swallowed hard and looked at me in confusion. With his light blue eyes locked with mine, I winked at him and gave him my sweetest 1000 kilowatt smile.


“Hey E, it’s me. Your future wife.” <3


“Wh—“ He was about to tell me something but I cut him off by pulling his head down again so I can kiss him.

 And kiss him I did… again and again…

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