Spider's and Kings

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 So, I researched more Sindarin for this chapter, forgive me if it is not correct for all of those language people out there. When I wasn't able to translate a sentence into Sindarin completely I italicized it. Hope you enjoy! 



 The first thing that she could comprehend as she regained consciousness was the fact that her head was pounding. She tried to open her eyes, but was unable to because of something wrapped tightly around them. Struggling in her bonds, she tried to move her arms and legs only to find that they too were tied down with the same substance. Tentatively she twisted her hand around to touch what enwrapped her. It was sticky, and she pulled at it, a slight bit stretchy. Concluding that she had been tied up in something that felt similar to string she tried to wiggle and bend. Before she could expirement more she heard something scurry up next to her, she stilled, hoping that it wasn't anything awful. Her mind was still foggy as she tried to remember what had happened to her, when was she hanging up-side-down in, well whatever they were in, and why was she here in the first place?

It all came rushing back to her as something hissed near her, and a pointed something poked her in the side. The sharp sting in her neck, trying to warn the others, and succumbing to the darkness. They had been caught by spiders, and not the small ones that inhabited the dust corners of you house or the local library. These spiders were as tall as an elf, with thick bodies and long legs. They had huge furry fangs, and numerous black beady eyes that could see well in the darkness of the woods. She felt like retching, knowing that they were all probably dead men. Spiders were not easy to get away from.

"Come," what she assumed was one of the spiders hissed, "Let's eat, I'm starving."

"We sssshould wait for the otherssss, it wouldn't be fair."

"Yesssss, but what'ssss wrong with a little tassste?"

"It wouldn't be sssso bad, there's plenty of them to sssspare..."

It didn't take her long to figure out that the spiders were talking about herself and what she assumed to be the other fourteen of her friends. She lashed out with all her might and her foot connected with a body of a spider and knocked it off of the branch to the forest floor far below. The other's hissed at her and moved out of the range of her flailing legs. She was so busy struggling that she didn't hear what the other spiders were saying, something about killing them and letting them hang dead awhile or some such rot.

"I think that I'll sssstart with the one that just kicked old Yesssstuf off his branch," commented one of the spiders, moving along one of the threads strung from tree to tree.

She began to thrash out violently as she heard it nearing. She was not going to die by spider poison today!

It was then that her ears picked up the sound of something flying through the air. It struck the spider with a plunk to its head, and she heard it drop from the tree, flopping to the ground. She stiffened as she heard another something whistling through the air and another and another spider, causing them to fall to the ground. The others that had gathered around the bunch slowly moved away in search of whatever was taking their friends out.

"Where isss it? Where isss it?" They hissed as they crawled as quick as lightning across their webbed nest. She could hear them fling out their long threads trying to ensnare whatever it was that had interrupted their feast. However, whatever or whomever it was, was doing a fantastic job of avoiding them.

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