Down to Goblin Town and Up to Burning Trees

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 So, I'm not that great at writing battle scenes...


"Up! Everyone get up!" Thorin's voice boomed through her slumbering thoughts.

What was going on? She stood, snatching her pack as she did and let out a startled scream as the floor shot out from under her. She was rushing down a tunnel, being flung against it's walls, and smashed into the other dwarves as they sped up. The end of the tunnel flashed by her as she dropped onto the pile of dwarves in a large crude looking basket. Groaning and moaning could be heard from all parts of the pile as they tried to untangle themselves. A hissing sound and coarse laughter rung in her ears as she spit blood out of her bruised mouth. Looking up she quickly pulled out her dagger as the goblins crowded in towards them.

"On your feet! Draw your weapons!" She shouted taking up her stance, beheading the first goblin who came near. But really dwarves were still to stunned to react, though they struggled against the foul creatures violently. They shouted and bellowed as the goblins drug them deeper into their kingdom. Over their noise she began to hear a song being sung, a nasty despicable song that would have all the musicians in the world covering their ears in pain.

"Clap! Snap! the black crack!

Grip, grab! Pinch, nab!

And down, down to Goblin Town

You go, my lad!"

Pushing and shoving, the company shuffled across the goblin bridges. She had to punch a few in the face as their hands went to grab at her person. They were disgusting.

"Clash, crash! Crush, smash!

Hammers and tongs! Knocker and gongs!

Pound, pound, down under ground!

Yo, ho! my lad!"

Her face screwed up as she saw to who the voice belonged. It was the dispicable Goblin King. He bounced and blundered, his aweful voice singing is even more aweful song. She spit on the nearest goblin to her, covering his face in her blood and spittle. He laughed evilly and licked at it, causing her to gag. Her stomach wouldn't be able to handle this lot much longer. They pinched and poked at them, bit and snapped in their faces. The Goblin King, with his flapping throat skin plopped into his seat, only to rise from it at the sight of the dwarves pushed in front of them. The goblins threw down the weapons they had torn from the dwarves, along with her ripped and tattered pack.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" He questioned, leering at them. She could smell his putrid breath from the back of the party,"Spy's? Thieves? Assassins?"

Well, he has one of them right.

"Dwarves, your malevolence," the leader of the goblin group said with a mocking bow.


"We found them on the front doorstep," offered the same goblin.

"Well, don't just stand there, search them!" Shouted the grotesque King.

The goblins quickly set to work, poking and feeling their persons. They pulled out the excess weapons that she had stashed on her person, dropping them into the pile at their kings feet. One goblin took it upon himself to search a more private area of her body, causing her to flame in anger. She lashed out at him, sending him to his death over the edge of the platform. Others went to continue what he had started, and her anger burned hotter.

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