Anna: What's everyone wearing tonight? 

Liz: Probably a casual dress! I heard that some kids from Bay View were coming!

Taylor: Dress all the way. Yeah, I heard that too...

Natasha: Shorts and a t-shirt for me. Yeah, it's just a bunch of the football players. They've known Robby for ages apparently. 

The conversation continued on and I choose to ignore it. I needed to get some rest before the party tonight. I put my phone on silent and tried to relax in my chair. I felt myself drifting to sleep until my phone started buzzing with a call. "Brayden what would you like? I am trying to nap." I said irritated, knowing it was going to be harder to get to sleep. 

"Are you trying to nap because you spent half the night plastic wrapping our cars Is!" Brayden yelled into the phone and I jolted up. I had completely forgotten about that. I began laughing uncontrollably.  "This is not funny Is! The twins were almost late for work," Brayden was no longer yelling and you could tell he was trying not to laugh with me, as he scolded me. "Oh come on Brayden. You guys have done worse to us! Remember that time you filled Taylor's car with plastic balls," I said giggling. Brayden began chuckling, "She was so mad! She was still finding leftover ones in her car weeks later." "See our prank was harmless," I said and heard him sigh into the phone. "You're right. Look I have to go, but I will see you tonight," Brayden said and hung up the phone. 

I laid back still giggling to myself. Maybe our friend group would be alright again. 


I was wrong, so very wrong. Our friend group was done, over, never again would we share laughs or have bonfires at Nathans. We were done. 

4 hours earlier

I hated house parties. First off, the house reeked of booze, sweat and bad choices, which made it harder for you to get in the mood to down a beer. Secondly, the washroom lineup was horrendous. Also, you were peeing, what felt like every 5 minutes and then you have to wait in a line up that is backup down the stairs, because girls were taking endless selfies in the bathroom. Then the bathroom itself smells like vomit and piss, with a hint of perfume. You're also slightly afraid you could contract a disease from the toilet seat and to top it off there is piss all over the floor because boys can't seem to aim when they're drunk. Thirdly, the music is horrible, somehow someone always ended up playing that music that was just all screaming or depressing songs. 

Finally, everyone is hooking up with everyone. I mean seriously, it was never a surprise when you find out someone had gotten mono. The worst part was that they were sucking face everywhere and I mean everywhere, against walls, in the closets, on kitchen counters. When making out got boring they either moved onto someone else or moved to the bedroom. That's why I tended to like the bonfires on the beach or the bush parties, because it was all fun, and you only having to deal with making out. No drama, no wildness and definitely no cops. 

When the girls and I arrived at Robby's house, the party was in full swing. When I walked in I was surprised to find the house mostly how I thought it would be. Except that, the music on the radio was a mix of pop and country. Well, at least that was a plus. Robby's house was located on the outskirts of town, which meant we wouldn't be disturbing the peace too much. 

The girls had all went their separate ways leaving me to try and make my way to the kitchen by myself. I began making my way through the throng of people, stopping and saying hello to people as I walked passed them. I had finally reached the kitchen when someone bumped into me and spilled the entire contents of their cup down my dress. I groaned looking down at my dress, at least the spill was barely noticeable because it was a navy blue with a flower pattern. I'm going to have to add getting spilled onto my list of reasons I hated all parties. 

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