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Benny's POV: 31th of March
I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair, my clothes and my shoes. Ok, so of course I don't have the money to go out and buy brand new clothes and shit but that doesn't mean I can't make an effort to look nice. Especially if Barbra is gonna be around.
"Mom. I'll be back in about 2 hours." I said shutting the front door. I had my cap and bat.
Today was Veg Out Day . Lemme explain Veg Out Day to ya.
About once every month whenever it's a nice hot day like it is today, we all fork out some cash and go and buy something. Then we come back to the sandlot and have a little picnic.
I grabbed my bike from the garage and rode across the street. I went over to Barbra's house and knocked on the door. Her mom opened the door.
"Hello Mrs Ruth. My name is Benny Rodriguez from number 17. I'm looking for Barbie we're playing a game of baseball and were wondering if she would like to play." I said politely.
"Oh well. Thanks Benny. It's actually Ms Rossi but eh. Just call me Francesca. She's just getting her bike out the shed and she'll be right out." She said. I smiled and trailed my bike to their shed. As Barbra came out I waved her mom goodbye.
Barbra had a picnic on the front of her bike.
"Whatcha got there?"
"Oh my mom. She forced me to bring something to share with you guys."
"She picked the right day. Today is Veg Out Day."
She furrowed her eyebrows.
"I'll explain in a second."
She nodded.
"Will you come with me to Corner Shop for a second?"
"Yeah sure thing." She said hopping on her bike.
Once we got to the shop I bought some cans of pop and some potato chips. I came back outside to see.
Some guys holding my bat and Barbra's cap over her head.
"Hey. Give it back."
"Hey! What are you doing." I yelled putting down everything and marching over to the guys. I realised that I know these guys.
"Oh guys(!) it's Benny Rodriguez come to save the day." Bryce said sarcastically. I exchanged a look with Barbie. It looked like she didn't want my help.
"I'm being serious give back to me."
"Or what."
Everything happened so quick. All I saw was Bryce with his arm behind his back and Barbra was holding it there.
"Okay, Bryce. I may be small and a girl but I'm telling you, I can and will dislocate your shoulder with one shove. So what you're going to do is tell your friend to place my hat and bat on the floor and walk away. And if you even try anything, I'm not afraid to tell every soul in this town that you got your ass kicked by a girl." She hissed.
Bryce and his friend walked away and she handed me my bat.
"Wow. Who taught you to kick ass like that?" I asked hopping on my bike.
"My mom."
"But she seems so sweet." I said laughing.
"That's best thing. If she's sweet you don't she it coming." She said mischievously. We made our way to the sandlot and sat our bikes down next to us.
Yeah-Yeah, Ham, Tommy, Squints, Kenny, Bert and Timmy, arrived a couple minutes.
"Benny do you know how hot it is?" Ham asked me grabbing my cap off my head and fanning himself with it.
"Yeah-Yeah, my mom almost wouldn't let me leave the house."
"I wish she hadn't, then I wouldn't have to listen to your yapping." I spat as I snatched my cap off Ham.
"What's your problem?" Tommy said
"What's your problem." Timmy said repeating what Tommy said because that's what they always did.
"Touchy because we interrupted your little date." Squints said.
My heart stopped.
"Squints if you're not careful, you're gonna need a new pair of glasses." I said.
"Okay. What do we have?" Kenny said setting down a picnic basket and a mat.
We all set out our food and there was everything. Barbie brought scones which tasted great.
"Hey Barbie, when's your birthday?"
"Umm that's a bit of a weird question?"
"Nah, we ask that to every Tom, Dick and Harry who comes around here."
"Uh... 17th of September 1952." She said buttering her scone.
"Really?! That's very amazing, you just happen to be born the exact day that Babe Ruth missed a pitch to go to the New York Presbyterian Hospital to witness the birth of his first grandchild." Bertie said holding out a piece of paper.
"What's that?" Barbra asked nervously scratching her neck.
"You'll see." Bertie answered.
"Ok listen up...Babe Ruth, pitcher for the New York Yankees, leaves the Yankee stadium to go to the New York Presbyterian Hospital to be there to hold his granddaughter. On the 17th of September 1950 at 8:07am Barry Kent Ruth and Francessa Jane Rossi were blessed with little Barbra Georgia Ruth, whom they decided to name after Barry's father. Babe Ruth. Today was the day our greatest baseball legend became a grandfather." Ham read out."
"Woah that's creepy."
"Yeah-Yeah, so creepy."
"So... Barbra Georgia Ruth. How much of a coincidence is it that you happen to be born on the same day and have the same name. And since none of us have seen your parents-
"I've seen her mom." I answered. Bertie's eyes widened as he flipped the news article around.
"Benny. Does the lady in this photo look like Barbie's mom?"
I nodded my head as I took a closer look at the photo.
"You're Barbie Ruth! Babe Ruth's granddaughter. Descendant of The Great Bambino."
"Can't you see why I didn't want anyone to know. For once I just wanted a new start, just to be like a normal kid. To just play ball, as Barbie Ruth, the girl who loves baseball, not as Babe Ruth Jr, descendant of The Great Bambino." She confessed.
"I'm sorry for lying but there was a reason for it."
"Okay. We are all huge fans of The Great Bambino. But for the sake of Barb can we keep our cool. Who's with me?" I insisted. The boys nodded their heads and I know that they can keep a promise.
"Okay. Now, let's play some bas-
I was interrupted by water hitting my face. I turned around to see Squints with a bottle of water.
"Benny....I'm so so-
Before he could I finish, I grabbed a cup of water and threw it at him. He took off his glasses and gave them a wipe.
"Water fight."

Barbra's POV
I'm beginning to get to like the boys a lot. They're close, like a family. I think that's the kind of friendship I've been needing.
It was 3:00 and I was soaking from head to toe. I saw Benny and decided that this was a good time to talk it up. He sat chillaxed on the home base.
"Having fun?" I asked squatting down beside him.
"Uh, yeah. I'm soaked thanks to Squints and Yeah-Yeah." He said. And he was soaked, apparently white t-shirts become quite transparent when wet.
I could feel Benny staring at me. Oh my gosh! Did I say that out loud. He then looked at my hair.
"Your hair... I've never seen it out before. It's... really pre-
I couldn't wait to hear what Benny was about to say but I never did because a bucket of icy water was tipped all over me and Benny. I don't think I have ever gotten up that fast. I bolted after Squints and Kenny as Benny ran after Yeah-Yeah and Ham.

We decided to call it a day. Benny and I rode home on our bikes.
"I knew this whole time." Benny said pulling the brakes on his bike.
"You knew.. How?" I said swinging my right leg over so that two of my legs were on the one side as I waited for my bike two slow down.
"Your batting skills. The way you run, the way you pitch. Plus, I'm probably the world's biggest Babe Ruth fan. I know everything there is to do with him." He explained.
"Well thanks for keeping it lowkey. But I honestly should have been honest with you guys." I admitted.
"Nah, don't sweat it." He added. We said our goodbyes. I was about to cross the street.
"Shit." We both said simultaneously. I turned around.
"What's your dilemma?" I asked running a hand through my hair.
"I just remembered. My parents are out til' 6 and I don't have a key." He said scratching his head.
"Same except I've got a key... Hey it's gonna get really cold with you having wet clothes. How, uh- how about you come in until your parents come home." I offered.
"Uh, thanks. Just tell me about 5 minutes before your dad comes home."
"I'm sure my dad would be okay with you."
"Trust me. I wouldn't even leave my own daughter with me."
"I trust you."
"Thanks." He said stepping in to my house.
"Okay umm. You can head up stairs and take a shower. Then leave your clothes outside the door and I'll throw them in the dryer."
"Thanks so much." He said jogging up stairs. I smiled to myself.
Benny Rodriguez is in my house.
"My clothes are out here." Benny said before closing the door. I hopped upstairs and put his clothes in the dryer.
I combed my hair and I was gonna wash it anyway. I tied away the picnic basket that my mom had packed for me. By the time I was done, Benny's clothes were ready to come out the dryer. I picked them up and carried them up the stairs.
I heard the sound of the door unlocking. I ran upstairs and opened the bathroom door.
"Oh my God! What are you doing?!" Benny said yelled. Luckily he was shielded by the shower curtain. I shushed him.
"My parents are home." I said.
"Oh shit!" He whispered. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.
"Barbie! Darling?" My mom said coming up the stairs. I handed Benny a towel.
"Wrap this around you. I'm coming in." I ordered.
"Just do it."
"Barbie. Darling?" My mom called out once more. I stepped into the shower.
"I'm taking a shower Ma! What do you need?" I shouted.
Benny turned on the shower. My mom knocked and then stuck her head through the door.
"How was today?"
"It was great." I replied calmly trying to ignore the fact I was being drenched.
"Oh, that's good. Whose chain is this?" She asked me. Benny looked at me wide eyed.
"It's Benny's! He gave it to me." I shouted quickly.
"Okay well darling, I'll get out of your hair."
"Yeah thanks."
I heard the door shut and waited for her to get downstairs.
"Okay. I have an idea."
Benny got dressed and left through the front door and I had to pull it off as taking out the trash.

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