Pranks are fun... Right?

Start from the beginning

She had a make up bag with her and some sort of dress or something. I chuckled to myself quietly and watched as she entered the boat house and saw the vanity. We all moved to the window and watched as she did her makeup. When she went to put on the dress everybody but Duncan looked away. Told you he was a pervert. When she was done I gestured for Geoff to start moving the dummy around. When he started moving it around Gwen and Bridgette started making noises and banging on the back of the wall where it was. Heather had just finished her make up when she heard the noises and banging, she moved to the dummy, which is where Leshawna was. Leshawna jumped out and scared Heather half to death, which made Heather jump back to the target. At the same time, Geoff was loosing control of the dummy I told Trent to go help him and they got it under control. Heather went to run out of the shed but Duncan splashed the bucket of water as she got to the door.

She walked back to where the target was and unknowingly stood on it. Duncan pointed at me and I pulled on the rope that I was holding. Which made the bucket of worms, glue, feathers, manure, and dirt fall on her. She screamed and ran to the mirror we all ran out, Leshawna snuck out from the back and ran to the front. We stood in the door and watched as she tried to fix herself. Heather heard Gwen chuckle and turned to look at us.

"You! You did this!" I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started laughing so hard that I fell. "Uh what even is this stuff?!" In between laughs I managed to say "Worms, Dirt, Glue, Feathers, and manure." By then everyone was laughing and Heather was pissed. She stormed through us and said "You'll pay for this!" She stormed off down the hill and I looked around, and noticed that there was something in the back. I started to walk towards it ,avoiding the mess, when I got there I noticed that it was something shiny but I couldn't reach it. "Hey guys check thi-" as I turned around I noticed that only Duncan was standing in the door way.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the thing. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. When he put his hand on me, I jumped. He noticed the shiny thing and leaned a little closer. "What is that?" I looked at him and said "If I knew do you think I'd still be here?" He glared at me then shoved me out of the way. I watched as he moved some boxes and broke some boards. Eventually he was able to reach the thing. He grabbed it and turned around to look at me. I looked at it and noticed that it was a glass with a letter on it. I grabbed it and looked at it in my hand "What's on it?" "It looks like... the letter C" We looked at each other then back at the glass, just as Duncan went to say something we heard someone coming up the hill. I gasped and looked to the door just as the knob was turning, I was frozen but Duncan acted fast.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the boxes with him. I looked at him and he put his finger to his lips and shushed me. The person instantly noticed the mess, they grunted and started to walk around. Just as they got to Duncan and me they stopped. I was scared out of  mind and I didn't know what to do, I wanted to just run out screaming but I couldn't move. Not only was I frozen but Duncan was holding me really tightly.

He put his hand over my mouth and looked at me. I made sure that I didn't freak out because I didn't want to give us away. The person then turned around and walked out. I got out of Duncan's grasp and got up. I brushed myself off and Duncan got up, he held the glass up and looked at it very intensely. I turned around and looked at him "Who do you think that was?" He didn't look up from the glass once.

"I don't know but whoever it was, they obviously didn't appreciate the mess." I took the cup from him and left. "Wait aren't you gonna clean this mess up?" I turned around and looked at him and said "Are you?"

I left the shed and he ran out after me. "What are you gonna do with the cup?" "I'm not sure yet but I know for a fact that I won't let anyone else find it. Which means that you can't tell anyone, OK?" He stood there for a minute before answering. "Ugh fine I won't tell anyone." We walked back to the cabins, it wasn't very dark maybe around 9:30-10. I walked up to Trent, who was playing guitar, and sat down. I started to make a beat on the log that I was on and he smiled. After a while I was getting tired, I figured Heather had planed on getting revenge and I was right. I pulled back my covers and found a mouse. I didn't scream but I did jump a little, I picked it up and took it outside. Duncan was there, he looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Heather got revenge" I laughed as I told him. He laughed, stood up and walked over to me. As I stood up I noticed how close he was, I took a couple steps forward and turned around. "So whose idea was it for the prank?" "It was Bridgette's idea to prank someone, but her and Gwen decided to prank Heather, and Leshawna and me set up the prank." He smirked, I started to walk to the cabins.

That's when I remembered the glass. I stopped "So uh- who do you think was in the shed earlier?" "It was probably just Chris." I didn't think it was, but I was to tired to argue. "Ya your probably right. Well I'm gonna go to bed." He walked me to the cabin and stood on the porch. "Night Duncan." "Goodnight Clover." As I walked into the cabin he said "Don't forget you still owe me a favor." I smirked "Right." And with that, I went to bed.

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