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Hey Wattpadpians. This is my first book in here. I just joined Wattpad and want to kick it off straight. I'm so happy, I would be  fulfilling my joy of letting people read my books. My stories are mainly for enjoyment, fun  and cracking your ribs with laughter.

You know that quote, "Laughter is the best medicine, for curing all traces of sadness".

I always wrote books before joining Wattpad and everyone who reads it, always told me they love it. They say they are able to relate with my characters, so that's why I wanna show them to the world. I want everyone to be able to relate to all my characters, and feel their pains, sadness, joys and laughter.

I always feel happy when I do things l love and  people love them also. If you're gonna hate, don't continue. Before I continue, my books are original and based off my own imagination. So if you're gonna munch off my own sweat, then go somewhere else, or else, I would totally creep you out in your sleep.

Trust me, I would do that and much more worse. I know where you live and where ever you are and I would come after you.

Ha! Ha! So that's basically it. Don't steal! Be original and find your imagination.

So I bring to you a series called *CUPID MATCH*. It's my new first of series and stories. The first story in this series is *CUPID HITS STRAIGHT*. I hope you enjoy it.

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Love you Dazzlers,

CUPID HITS STRAIGHT(CUPID MATCH SERIES) Where stories live. Discover now