Chapter 1 - Capture the flag

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Amorette's P.O.V

"RUN! AMORETTE RUN!" yells Violet from the side of the field waving her crutch around in the air.

I swear I could never get tired of the girl. Violet. She was my best friend since birth pretty much, it was a surprise when our mums both had mentioned that they were best friends in high school, just like us.

I hold the flag with my whole entire life and run with my heart racing twenty times faster, the wind blowing against my face. I could hear my heart pounding at my chest like a bird wanting to be ripped out of it's cage. It only seemed like years ago that I've ever felt my legs propel me with such force.

Probably during cross country, had I ever run so fast in my life, only to waste all my fitness trying to hand in a two board artwork into my art teacher by the next month.

I sprint over the cones from the small corner of the field and run with my classmates on my tail. I didn't know whether I was more scared of having the perfect opportunity to lose or win for our team, or love the adrenaline rush that was coursing through my body in every step I would take.

My chest was starting to ache with each step as I was running to the centre line. All I needed to do was place my hand over the centre line, on my home side. Dodging the opposing team mates I run and dive for making sure I pass the line, but I close my eyes, afraid.

There's a deafening moment of silence.

For a second, I thought I had missed the entire line altogether, however all of a sudden cheers rose from the crowd of five from the side of the field.

I open my eyes and there was the flag on the other side, well our side to be exact. I got it! I didn't miss my chance. I could finally now prove to everyone that I wasn't the shy one here, I wanted to come out of my shell. And if this is what it meant to come out of your shell, I would do it everyday.

I jump up in utter joy as I wave the flag around in the air and all my team members come over running with their arms opened wide. Most of my team mates hug me in shock that I had scored them the last point. It was a memory worth keeping, other than the glares I managed to suppress from the other team.

I was more shocked at myself. I internally pat myself on my back and walk back to coach and her smile was wider then mine. "You did very well Amorette, Finally came out of your shell!, the score now is 20-19, winning by two points!" smiles Coach Laurene. I repeat the gesture as she high-fives me and I feel like I'm on top of the world.

I mean even though it was just a game that was suggested last minute, it felt like this was real, as if I was in a competition to see who was the best and feeling like this made me consider joining a sports team, after all, this was my last year of high school.

I felt like I had actually achieved something in my life. I was always the shy one and quiet one in class. Never really got out there much, but when I did, I knew and I was determined to finish my job. The bell rings signalling that class is over and we had to change out of our sweaty PE gear. This was probably the first time I had felt like I did something with my life. I got many high-fives and pat on the backs by some of my classmates. "Nice Job Amorette." Yells a girl walking towards the changing room passing with a smile on her face. Emma? "Thank you." I reply ecstatic of my goal.

Capture the flag wasn't really a game I would've ever seen myself go serious with two years ago. I would've hidden behind the crowd, but that was impossible as I constantly got the ball, forcing me to run. But this was different, It was my fourth year at High School which labelled me as a senior and I was glad that school was ending on a good note. My first goal I had ever scored in my whole life. A feeling of acceptance and laughter fills me as I near the changing rooms.

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