Chapter 2

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Starscream entered the code into the keypad of his berthroom door. He sighed deeply, walked over to the bar and poured himself a glass of high-grade. Pfff, Starscream thought, and that foolish vehicon offered me warm energon! Who does he think I am, a sparkling? Once Starscream finished his glass, he walked over to his private wash racks and turned on the shower. He let the hot, steaming water run over his body. He took a sponge and some body wash from the caddy, and cleaned himself.Once he had dried himself, he climbed into his berth and curled himself up under the soft, silky blankets. He fell into recharge with thoughts of flying in the open skies, the breeze playing on his wings.


Starscream awoke suddenly from his peaceful slumber, to a voice in his commlink:

"Starscream, come to my quarters immediately"

Starscream recognised Megatron's voice. He looked at the clock on his berthside table. It was 2:30 A.M. in Earth time. Starscream, forgetting the events of the day prior, got out of his berth and walked to the door, entering the passcode. He stepped outside, feeling a little chilly, since the corridors were much colder than his quarters.

"Starscream, can you hear me?" Megatron said, slightly frustrated.

"Yes, my lord, I'm coming right away", Starscream replied sleepily.

By the time Starscream reached Megatron's quarters, he was wide awake. He started to become suspicious, and hesitated to knock. But before he could decide whether he should stay or go back to his nice warm berth, the door opened. Megatron grinned evilly at Starscream, which sent the shivers running down Starscream's spine. He hated being stared at like that.

"Come in, Starscream", Megatron said in a smooth, silky voice. Starscream stood there a little awkwardly, not sure if he should accept Megatron's invitation. However, Megatron wasn't going to take no for an answer, so he pushed Starscream in and locked the door quickly.

Starscream looked around the room. It was very luxurious with the best furniture you could find. There was also a bookshelf and a desk, which contained many datapads. The berth was huge, but it had to be, since Megatron was so large.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Megatron said seductively.

Starscream was about to answer when a hand was clamped around his mouth. The little seeker writhed in Megatron's hold, trying to escape, but Megatron was so much stronger, and so much bigger than him.

Starscream struggled both terrified and confused. Why was he being punished here of all places? Maybe he planned to give Starscream a quick beating and just let him walk back to his quarters. He probably didn't want to wake anyone up. But wouldn't that be even worse? To have the entire warship know how badly he had been beaten up in Megatron's own quarters?

Megatron's claw was still clamped around Starscream's mouth, and he pushed the disobedient seeker on to the berth. Starscream looked at him with fearful optics and whimpered a little. Megatron only widened his grin, displaying all his razor sharp teeth. He climbed on to the berth next to Starscream, without taking his optics off of his victim. Megatron grabbed Starscream's helm and kissed him roughly, biting Starscream's lips with his teeth, causing energon to drip from his lip.

Starscream was terrified! He didn't understand what was going on and he didn't like the way Megatron was treating him. He tried pushing the larger mech off but to no avail. Megatron licked the seeker's cheek, causing him to shiver. The large gladiator let out a dark chuckle and proceeded to nibble the sensitive wirings in Starscream's neck. Starscream mewled and tried to push his master off him, but Megatron bore down on him, grabbing the seeker's wrists and twisting them. Starscream cried out and in his struggle, kicked Megatron's groin area. The gladiator cried out and let go of him. He turned to the seeker who had bolted to the door. Snarling, the warlord threw Starscream back onto the berth.

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