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Soren's POV

I was facing Ayla's back when my eyes came into the view of a sniper fighter only 3 metres away from me. He will have to go first.

Closing the distance between us, i waites to see if he reacted in any way. The sniper gun was placed in front of his face, whilst he was on the ground. I creeped towards him, slowly, as i got closer i decided to snap his neck.

Quick, effective, no sound made. My hands found their way around his head, the fighter jerked out of position, he fought his way to get out of my hands, i turned his head onto my right side, sharply, all his movements stopped.

His hands fell limply onto his sides and i let him go. His footing went off balance and he fell onto the floor beneath me, making a small crunch and thud sound. Ayla turned her face and saw the her team member down.

I coudnt make out what she was doing, but she turned her face forward, back into the same position she was before. Her stance was calm, her posture, self assured. For gods sake her team member was killed, how can she be so calm. My brain was wrecking with thoughts that i didnt notice her turn around, something shiny was in her hand and in a mere few seconds the shiny things flew past me missing only by a few inches, and hitting the branch beside me right in the middle. I noticed it was a dagger, and i realized her intention of missing me by purpose. She wanted my attention.

She was smirking slightly. Her hands stifly on her waist. Her eyes glanced at me for a moment before beckoning me to step down. Im not going to lie. She looked dead hot in those leather pants and a plain black t-shirt. Her eyes were determined and her hair was tied up into a messy bun. She looked like she could kick ass.

Grabbing hold of a branch, i swung myself to hit the floor. Coming closer, we started to circle each other.

"Soren," her voice was soft and gentle, and the sound of authority rung sharply through out the air.

Now that i was on the floor, i could clearly see her brother and another man on my right. Assesing the situation. What suprised me is that they didnt jump to protect the Queen. The forest leaves stopped swaying and the little light peered through the trees. I waited, for someone to make a move.

My hands found their way to my back. My eyes never leaving hers.

I felt the tip of my knife and pulled it out but left it out of Ayla's sight. Ayla was sharp at noticing my moves. I needed to distract her.

"You look beautiful Ayla," she stopped mid track, her expression, shocked.

"Join me, dont you want to be with me Ayla, we can be together forever" she was distracted.

From the corner of my eye i noticed Max, (her brother) move slightly. I took the opportunity and aimed my knife at her. I threw it, hoping it would aim directly in her chest.

She moved quickly, bending her back ( matrix style) to miss the oncoming knife. I closed the distance between us and swipped her feet on the side, making her fall squarely on the ground. Ayla regained her posture quickly and i felt her hands, her skin graze my ankle. Her soft touch was all it took.

And then the memories flashed.

Bound By Duty (completed editing)Where stories live. Discover now