it's all a plan

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Aylaxe's POV

Last night's events kept replaying in my head. Over and over again. His lips, his words.

Can he truly change?

"Hello there, my name is crystal" my thoughts were interrupted by a voice, I turned around to find a petite blonde stretching her palm out to shake.

I was sitted in the university's audotorium waiting for my lecture on history to begin.

"Hey, aylaxe drakova, but you may call me ayla" I shook her hand before facing forward.

"Drakova... Hmm interesting. So what brings you to the big apple?" Her question seemed to spark some alertness in me. I could have been from new york but she asked the question as if I was away from home.

As if I just moved here.

"Oh you know, always wanted to study here! Been my dream" I replied calmly.

"Really! Same here. This place has given me so much" her mouth never stopped moving and quite frankly I was getting irritated. Naturally I began dazing away up until I heard his name.

"Rhode university also gave me the love of my life. Soren"

Her sentence threw me off guard and suddenly I had this urge of stabbing her precious heart.

As the future queen I was always taught to be humble and polite. Consider other people's situation as if they were my own.

As if just on que, soren walked into the hall. I didn't need to turn around to know it was him. His scent said it all.

"Ah crystal, there you are. I have been looking everywhere for you honey.... Do you know how worried I have been my love" those words.

Those words were meant for me.

Sensing my discomfort... soren turned around to face me.

"Aylaxe we meet again"

"Indeed" I briefly turned to face him before whipping out my phone.

The flash light beeped indicating there was a message.

It was from max.

It read:

"Emergency! Rogue attack! Out of the building NOW!"

My eyes met soren's. He sat with his hands behind his head, smirking.

That son of a bitch!

Soren's POV

Pain coursed through me when I gave the final command of killing aylaxe.

It was perfect!

Rogue's attack her.... I save her.... I'm her hero and she thinks I've changed.

She then believes in me.... And I break her trust.


Although one slight problem...

Underestimating her strength was the biggest mistake ever made.

Bound By Duty (completed editing)Where stories live. Discover now