#4 // Arkham's New Girl

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Songs of the chapter:

Madhouse by Little Mix


Summary: You're a new inmate at Arkham and Jerome instantly takes a liking to you.

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The first few days I was there, they wouldn't let me eat either the others in the common room. I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in my small cell.

"I don't think she's stable enough to be with the others just yet." Said the doctor with the weird glasses and sharp beard.

But then again, everything in this place was weird in a way. Strange weird, funny weird, insane weird.

I was bored out of my mind the whole time. I tried to cure my boredom with tracing patterns into the walls, counting the small and faded stains on the floor and humming to myself.

Just keep tracing.

Eventually when there was nothing left I went to sleep and I'd wake up again with a tray of food right at the foot of the cell door.

This continued over and over until I woke one morning without a tray at the door, but rather a guard shaking me awake and escorting me out of the cell.

Lot of people, Lana, lot of eyes.

And here I was, a tray of porridge, a plastic glass of water and eyes on me.

"Shit." I murmured to myself before walking to the corner of the common room.

I didn't see the pair of eyes following me to my seat but I sure did see their owner slam their tray down on the table in front of me.

"You know, it's amazing that they can constantly pull porridge for us all out of their asses every morning." The person said.

But I kept my head bowed to face my lap. I didn't want to touch my food, and I was never big on eating anyway. This 'prison food' as it could be described, would just make it easier to slim down.

We mean, it's for the best isn't it?

"Not much of a talker ay?" He spoke again.

This time I lifted my head to look at him blankly.

I felt like my expression was inadvertently telling him to fuck off, not that I would have minded that he did.

But this guy was very persistent.

"So what'ya in for?" He asked, palm to chin as if waiting for my answer patiently.

I decided to speak if he wasn't going to give up.

"The voices I hear in my head I guess." I said, looking up at him for the first time.

The guy had an interesting appearance, his orange hair standing out against the bland colour of the asylum.

Oooo, pretty orange.

His eyes were almost piercing me with not just their intensity but that twinkle that screamed insanity.

Look Lanny, he's perfect for you.

I was going to tell them to shut up but I didn't have the energy for it. I was mentally exhausted.

"Their always commenting on everything, and they're really annoying too." I said.

I looked away think about how he's going to think I'm weird.

"Cool, it must be great to have a conversation with someone in your head, where no one else can hear." He said.

And I spun my head back 'round to face him again.

He didn't call us crazy Lanny.

Oh My God! Just marry the guy already.

Just remember, he's in here for a reason too.

I was snapped out of listening to them when he asked me a question.

"What do they think about me?" He asked, like it was the most normal thing to ask a girl what the voices in her head thought about him.

He's handsome.

Shut up! He's obviously a psycho, why else would he be here.

He has nice eyes.

We've never seen someone so endearing and mysterious. It's real attractive.

"Marissa thinks you're handsome, Mason's an idiot so who cares what he thinks, Cara likes your eyes and Holly says you're endearing and mysterious which is..." I put my hands up to make air quotations..." real attractive."

"Well thank you all of you, I like you too." He said, again, as if it's the most normal thing ever.

There was a silence between us, our smiles wide.

The boy broke the silence shortly later to introduce himself.

"The name's Jerome. What about you gorgeous?" He said, in the most gentlemanly voice.

"My name's Diana." I spoke.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

Is it bad that I suddenly like my name much more now?

I can't blame you darling.

What about you? Why you here?" I asked.

I killed my mum." He said, blatantly.

Told you he was sick.

Shut up Mason!

"May I ask why?" I tried to tread lightly and thought that was the best way to phrase the question.

"Long story short, she abused me and so I offed her." He said, shrugging. Probably not wanting to dwell on the why.

Probably more on the how.

We sat there talking until he was ushered over to the table he was sitting at earlier.

We exchanged goodbye's before he moved back over.

And that's how it was between Jerome and I for the next week or so.

We would talk all through breakfast and at lunch he went back to his original group leaving me alone with the rest of me until the following morning. Until the day came where he escaped and left me here by ourselves. 


I was just sitting here thinking about Jerome eating my blueberries when I had a thought. 

"Jerome is much like a blueberry, you never know whether he'll be sweet or sour, you just gotta try to guess." - Liv 2k16

Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next imagine. 

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