Any chance at further conversation was ended when the teacher stepped in, barking with authority, "Sit down, sit down. Just because class 1-A got some excitement yesterday doesn't mean you can slack off!"


Bakugou was seething with rage, and while this wasn't anything new, the cause of it certainly was. He'd been there at the USJ, he'd fought against real life villains, stuff that would scare the living shit out of the spineless cowards in the lower classes. He and Kirishima had been standing amongst a pile of incapacitated villains when Thirteen and a few of his other classmates showed up. Both he and everyone else in his class had seen Kuroko fight the fugly bastard Noumu, get caught by said fugly bastard, then escape right under the heroes noses when the half 'n half bitch decided to help the vigilante escape the villain's grip.

Not once, that fucking vigilante hadn't used his quirk once in the fight against the big villains, and he'd held his own against them. What the hell was the point of having a quirk if you didn't even use it? You might as well be Quirkless!

Quirkless, like that fucking useless Deku. Who did that shit stain think he was? Getting into Yuuei with him, making friends with students in the heroics department; when would the fuckmunch realize that he couldn't be a hero? Yeah, he said that he was applying for the general department, but it was possible for general department students to get into the heroics department if they were deemed qualified. The fucker took the easy way in, and was making himself all cozy with 1-A students so when-- if --he got into the heroics department he'd already have a niche to fit into.

Bakugou felt his blood boil when he spotted the idiot himself, chatting away with the gravity bitch and engine for legs as he walked down the hall to lunch. What set him off was the sight of that brainwashing fucker cracking what seemed to be a joke and Deku laughing.

Fuming, he stomped over, catching the attention of all the students in the hall. Fine, let them watch, that'll teach someone as useless as Deku to try and move up in the ranks.

He grabbed the nerd's left arm, growling, "Hey, Deku, what ar-" his sentence if caustic words was cut off as he felt a hand wrap around his arm and the world became a blur, jarring itself back into place when he slammed into the floor with a loud bang. Immediately, his eyes locked onto the shaking form of Deku, who was holding the arm he'd grabbed, biting his lip and shaking in pain.

Stunned from the impact, all he could say was, "What the fuck?"

Deku froze, noticing just who he had flipped to the ground. The nerd's friends were quick to react, Engine head stepping between him and the green haired idiot while the brown haired bitch and the blue bastard guided Deku out of the silent crowded hallway, the Quirkless idiot still holding his arm like Bakugou had broken it.

"What on earth is going on here?" A teacher, Cementoss, asked, stepping closer and offering a hand to Bakugou, who ignored it in favor of standing up by himself.

Iida was quick to give his side of the story "Bakugou tried to lay a hand on my friend, Cementoss," he adjusted his glasses, shooting a disdainful look towards the blond. "My friend reacted rather harshly and flipped him. He's with my other friends, in classroom 1-A most likely."

The cement based pro hero turned to face Bakugou, "Is this true?" He asked, crossing his bulky arms expectantly.

Bakugou swore under his breath, looking away as he said, "So what if it is?"

"For one, you and me are going to the principal's office." Cementoss said, turning around and making a gesture for the volatile teen to follow him. "As for your friend, Iida, make sure it doesn't happen again, and he won't be in any trouble."

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