Chapter Two

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"Yeah mom. I'm on my way there." Driving and talking was not something I could do. Not to mention something completely illegal.

"When will you be to Dan's?"

"Probably around 8 hours from now. I'm not really sure though. I'll probably stop to eat. See some random crap along the way."

"Okay be safe. I love you."

"Love you too." I hung up my phone and set it in the cup holder. I should probably set up the blue tooth but it'll get done eventually.

A few of my friends gave me going away presents in the form of iTunes gift cards. I needed a lot of new music for this 7-hour trip I was about to go on. Coming from a small farm in Iowa, my iPod was loaded with country and classic rock. Being the girl I am, I had a lot of pop. Working with the Hawks, my iPod was also filled with a bunch of random crap they wanted to hear in the training room. Jonathan and Patrick also were nice and let me get at their libraries. I'm not sure what I'll do if I ever run out of room on this massive thing.

I've never driven to Pittsburgh before. Always flown but that wasn't exactly an option this time. I'm sure it'll be pretty but my goodness I'm not sure I want to tackle this in one day.

"Drew it's so good to see you!" My aunt hugged me as soon as I stepped into their yard. "I'll have Dan and Brandon help you bring stuff in."

"Oh I can get it later. I really just need this duffel and my backpack for now."

Their house is so nice. If I didn't like living alone so much, I'd stay here until I got married.

"How was the drive?"

"Horrible and boring, Dan. Horrible and boring." I told him flatly, not going to sugar coat anything.

"Still not one for hugs?" He asked before trying to give me one.

"Not from Penguin fans." I couldn't help it. My remark just made him smile.

"You get one just for that comment." He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed as hard as he could for as long as he could. "You don't officially start working for a week or two but I'm going down to the rink in a few if you want to come. A few of the guys should be down there."

"Oh sure. As long as I can raid your fridge before we leave." I found my way to the kitchen pretty quick.

The last time I was here was when the Hawks played the Pens and I stayed behind after the game to spend some time with family. My little brother and sister came up to watch the game. I, of course, was the only one who wasn't going for the Penguins. I had just turned 22 so Dan took me out while my siblings and cousin did their own thing.

Yep. I've been drunk with Dan Byslma. The coach of the US Men's Olympic team and the Pittsburgh Penguins. It was actually really fun.

"Does my mom have to go shopping before we come back or are you going to leave some food to eat later?"

"I've missed my brat!" I turned around to mess with my cousin. "Shoot you've gotten taller. How are you?"

"Pretty good. It's been a while. It sucks you had to leave Chicago though."

"Tell me about it. You got a girlfriend?" There was no beat around the bush with me. I got right to the point.

"Between girls right now. What about you and Kane? You two no longer together?"

"How could we be no longer if we never were?"

"Damn. I wanted to meet him and Toews."

"Okay let me get this straight. You've met Crosby and Malkin and Neal and Fleury and you hate the Hawks but you still want to meet dumb and dumber?" He just nodded his head, "I guess I can see if one of them will skype tonight." I can almost guarantee that they will.

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