"Because he knows everything about me. Now I really gotta go."


"I can't believe you leave in a few days. It's so upsetting." My best friend, Whitney cried. She may have had a little too much to drink.

"It'll be fine Whitney. It's not like she could forget about us." Tayler laughed at our slightly drunk best friend.

"Time to get this party started." Pat walked in with a few other of the players and some bottles. We all just looked at him. "Guess not."

"Unless you're making it a party where you finish packing my shit, don't even think about it."

"Guess we're playing kinect." He went over to the one of the few things I had left unpacked for now.

"You can't beat me at just dance."

"Is that a challenge?" He raised an eyebrow. This was an ongoing conflict with the two of us.

I wasn't exactly sober but I feel like this could be a fun time.

"Are you sure we can't have a party in here?" Tayler asked. "It would be so much fun!"

Everyone else agreed with her so I couldn't say no. My house was about to be filled with hockey players and a bunch of random people I didn't know.

I'm not sure if it was just me, but I always had these random realizations when I'm drunk. Like the fact that I'm out of milk or I need to get gas sometime soon.

Or the fact that I'm a over week late.

"Shit." I ran to the bathroom to look for the leftover pregnancy test from when one of my friends had a scare.

"Drew! Where are you going?" Patrick ran after me, wondering why I left him in the middle of dancing.

"Don't worry Kane." I slammed the door and tore my drawers apart. Apparently I didn't lock it.

"What's that in your hand, Drew?" He looked worried. "Are you pregnant?"

"I guess we're about to see." I started to shut the door but he stopped it.

"Wait. Who's would it be." I just stood there, I didn't think he would want to know the answer. I tried shutting the door again but he decided he wanted to be in here with me.

When I was done, I washed my hands then sat next to him on the ledge of my tub.

"What now?" I could hear his voice shaking. He didn't want to be a father just yet. I know he likes going out and partying when he gets the chance. I don't blame him, he's a stud.

"We wait." My head found its way to his shoulder as I tried not to start crying.

"You know I'll be here for you if it's positive, right?" He kissed my forehead. I love Patrick, don't get me wrong. I just don't have those kinds of feelings for him.

"You're not a father quite yet Pat." I showed him the negative test results. A wave of relief washed over his face.

"Why don't we go celebrate?" He had a smile on his face as he held out a hand to help me up.

"There's not enough booze in this house that could make me forget about the scare that just happened." I laughed as we walked back to my kitchen.

Everyone had surprisingly left by 1. With the exception of Tayler and Whitney who were passed out in my guest room and Toews was somewhere in the house. Probably passed out on the couch or something.

Me and Pat were still going strong though.

"So what does Mrs. Kane want now?" I laughed and almost fell off my chair.

"Oh boy. How about that wine Whitney and Tayler didn't finish?"

"Do you have strawberries and whip cream? We could take this to the bedroom." I laughed and stumbled up to my room, Pat was right behind me.

Apparently Jon wasn't passed out.

"What the hell Kane. I thought you were going to distance yourself from Drew so the feelings would go away." He walked in my room uninvited.

"Would you turn down head? No? Didn't think so." I tried to ignore the comment about having feelings for me.

The next morning I woke to the smell of bacon and an empty bed. I'm never going to get the smell out of my house.

"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello!" Tayler laughed. I guess she didn't feel as bad as I did.

"Shhh." I tried to quiet the four people in my kitchen.

"Heard you had fun last night.." Whitney snickered. I turned to Jon and gave him a dirty look.

"I hate you. So. Much." I went to grab a mug from the cupboard but realized I'm too short and too drunk to climb on the counter. "Paaaaatttt."

"Paatt." Jonathan mocked me.

"This is my house you know. I can make you leave."

"Yeah but you won't. You're too nice."

I was left alone in my empty house, only to start crying. I may not like Chicago very much but this was my home.

Being only 3 hours away from my parents, meant I got to see my family pretty much whenever I wanted to. Going to Pittsburgh meant I would triple that distance. I'd be with my uncle and I love him and everything but I'm going to miss everyone here.

"Hey Drew I left my wallet." Toews walked into my living room. "Drew? Where are you?" I could hear his footsteps gradually get closer. "Miller this isn't funny."

"What do you want?" I snapped once he found me. I looked like a train wreck when I woke up, I doubt I look any better after crying this hard.

"What's going on?" He sat on the chair next to me. Probably wondering where he left his wallet.

"I'm just really going to miss everyone."

"Please tell me you have some secret feelings for Kane. If you did he would probably propose and you wouldn't have to leave. Or work for that matter." Tazer made me laugh. I really am going to miss him.

"I love Pat with all of my heart but I don't have feelings for him."

"You're going to do great over there. You can't let them walk all over you though. I know how the players are up there."

"Yeah I guess."

"Get ready and we'll go out to eat. Some horribly satisfying hangover food."

That still didn't help the fact that I had to leave my best friends.

Training Miller // B. BennettWhere stories live. Discover now