Chapter 2

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??? POV ( it's the boy from last chapter )

I hope they don't find me, how did I get into this mess? Oh right when I refuse to love them more like sisters.


I woke up in the morning getting myself ready for school, as I was walking downstairs my Adopted sisters were in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I looked around for my Adopted older brother shun, found him hugging Ruri-Nee I swear he's a sis con. Although that wasn't the weirdest thing I seen him do, there was this one time he duel and lost his sanity.

Flashback inside of a flashback because I can


???: Shun calm down!

Flashback inside of a Flashback end

Yea the boy he was dueling won't be able to walk for awhile; I decided to skip breakfast since their probably gonna try to feed them to me like I'm a child. I put on my jacket and shoes preparing to leave until all three of them went in front of me.

Serena: where do you think your going?

???: to school?

Rin: Without breakfast?

???: yea

Ruri: why?

???: because you three will just try to feed me like I'm a child plus I hate when you do that.

Serena: well your not leaving until you have breakfast with us

???: why?

Rin: because we love you

???: yea I know because we're siblings

Serena: not that way little brother

???: then what way........oh my god

Ruri: bingo

Out of sneer panic I made a run for it trying to get away from them, if all the anime I watch where the older sister loves their younger more than siblings i don't wanna find out. I turned my head around to see all three of them running forwards me at a fast pace. So to not die or possibly not get rape by them I started to run faster, fun fact about me since I was young I was a fast runner because of my mom. I ran into an ally way but found myself at an dead end, I mentally curse at myself for running into a dead end. As I was turning back my sisters already cornered me without way of escape .I looked around if  there was anything I could used to help me but found nothing useful.

Ruri: now come with us little brother don't make us tie you up

Serena: you don't have a choice

???: how about no? ( thank you Rex for this )

Rin: well looks like we're doing this the hard way

Shun: not so fast!

All four of us turn to shun who I think came to knock some sense into his younger siblings, he was about to say something until Serena punched him right in the jaw. Since they were distracted I booked it.

Rin: hey!

Serena: Shun you just made us lose him!

Shun: ow....

Ruri: tie him up

I ran into the local park that was near by hoping they didn't follow me, I checked the time and to see I was already late for school. Great just great late because your sisters wanna date you, if I run though the park I could maybe be there in ten to fifteen minutes. As I was about to run I heard Shun yelling at me from behind which means the girls already found  me. I heard shun yelling run for it!

???: No Duh!

I started to run again but this time I looked for a hiding spot but the only thing I could find was a tree to hide behind. After a few minutes my sisters and brother pass by me thinking I had gone straight forward. I breath easily again since there gone but it won't be long before they find this spot. I started to run for the exit to the park until I sneeze.

???: someone taking or thinking about me. Oh well gotta keep running

I continued to run out of the park and made it to school, by the time I got there it was lunch time. I then realize I didn't have my bag with me, cursing under my breath I walked into the school and told the teachers I was late because I had some family issues. When they ask me where my bag was I told them I forgot it, so I had to stay after school to DO EVERY SINGLE ASSESSMENT  I MISSED.

Flashback end

That's Basically what happened to me today, i was now walking home from school. That's when i saw my childhood friend Yuya walking ahead of me so I ran up to him.

???: Yuya!

Yuya: oh! Hi

???: hey

Yuya: so what happen with the teachers?

???: long story

* a couple of minutes later and my god what am I even doing *

???: and that's what happened to me

Yuya: wow never knew your sisters like you that way.....

For some odd reason Yuya looks like...he's jealous? Enter that or he's mad about something. I just shrug it off and started to walk home with him. ( if only you knew he was really a girl if only you knew ??? ) when we reach his house Yuya was about to open the door until the door was slammed open and three pairs of arms grabbed Yuya. I was confuse at what I was looking at a boy with looked like he had bananas on his hair, a boy with pink and purple hair, and finally and boy with black and blue hair( or purple never knew ).

Yuto: finally your home we need to talk to you about something!

Yuri: now come inside

Yugo: ....guys

Yuto and Yuri: What?

Yugo: look

The yellow hair boy pointed at me and then the other two looked at where he was pointing at. When their eyes came into contact with mine they had shocked faces and then jealous faces? I don't know I'm just here to drop Yuya off since we met each other while walking home.

???: is there a problem?

Yuto, Yuri,Yugo: YES THERE IS!!!

???: jeez! No need to shout at me!

Yuya: um guys what's going on?

???: don't ask me ask them

Yugo: don't go near uh kid! ( really Yugo?)

After he said the word kid there was a long silence, my eyes were covered by my hair so no one really knew how I was feeling. Yuya eyes widen and he started to back away from me making he three other boys confuse, these boys must have a death wish.

Yuto: Yuya why are you backing away from us?

Yuya: here's a fact about my friend he doesn't like to be called kid. Whoever calls him that...well

???: they start to wish they were never born

Mini time skip bought to you by ??? Beating the crap out of Yuto, Yuri ,and Yugo

Yuya POV

He just beat up all three of my brothers wish I didn't mind that much since I can't stop my friend when someone calls the guy a kid. He said bye to me and started to leave but stop and turned around.

Oh by the way you three my Names Tatsumaki Yuuta  not kid, don't you forget it

To be continued

And that's a wrap! Sorry it took so long to write this was having trouble with ideas and with schoolwork. So the boys Name Is Yuuta  and is one of my OCs that I made some time ago after other OC. Hope you like reading this and please comment on what you think, please do not put any negative comments like This one guy. Bye!

Wait He's A Girl!?( Yugioh Arc V Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα