Philly boi (oh shityz it's dat boi(finally))

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Phil's pov

I pulled up to an unfamiliar house and beeped as I pulled in front. A teenager with red hair ran out, holding hands with a teen with green hair. I smiled to myself as they ran up holding each other's hands. It really reminded me of Dan for some reason.

Maybe it was just because we were going to go get him. As soon as he was taken to the place, I promised myself that as soon as he was transferred I would go get him. That's what I was doing now, I was going to bring him home.

I picked up some of his friends so he could feel at home. I had already gotten his friend pj because he was closest. Now I was picking up Jack and Mark, I guess they were his only school friends.

Once Jack and Mark got in the car, I pulled away from the driveway and resumed my drive to Broken Angles, the group home Dan was at. I really wanted to know why they called it that, if I was sending my child to a home after he was raped I wouldn't send him to a place telling me he was broken. I also wasn't religious and it's a christian home, so I guess I'm biased.

As I pulled onto a back road, I noticed PJ looking at the radio and smiled, because Dan used to do that whenever he wanted music.

"You can turn the radio on if you want. Since your shotgun you get Radio control." I looked over and saw him smile as he reached toward the on switch. The radio static to life and the first song that came on was toxic. I laughed to myself and started taping the wheel to the beat.

By the end of the song, we were all screaming out the lyrics, even if we didn't know them. It was pretty funny to listen to, and whenever we pulled up to a red light we would sing to the person waiting next to us.

In no time, we were parked at the group home waiting to go in. I was the first to get out of the car after a minute waiting with music playing in the background. I turned off the car the told everyone it was time to go in. They all got up and were acting very jittery, although si was I so I can't talk really.

I walked up to the big wooden doors and pulled them open. We all walked in and looked around. The first thing I saw was a giant fish tank, only there was only one fish in it. I also noticed pictures of what I'm guessing is everyone there at the time. At the very bottom I noticed an empty frame with the name Dan Howell under it. I felt a little disappointed that it was true all this happened to him. I can't think about it being a long vacation like before.

I walked up to the front desk and rung the bell waiting for the lady to come over. She waddled over the the desk not looking up from the book in her hand.

"Are you admitting them, Here are the forms." She put some forms up on the desk and I slided them back to her.

"No, I'm here to get someone. Dan Howell?" She stopped moving her head like she was to read and slowly looked up to me. She started to snicker and rolled her eyes.

"That's not how this works sir, It's not a dup where you can pick up kids." I was taken aback by her and started yelling at her, demanding that she let me see him.

I heard the door open and started looked over at it, only because it was that annoying. As my head turned completely around, I saw something that honestly made me slightly happy.

I saw dan, cowered looking at the floor looking down at the floor. My smile faded as he looked up and I saw how pale he was. It was only then I remembered all the drugs he was on so I was worried again.

Before I could say to wait until he came over here, PJ, Mark, and Jack all ran over to him, pulling him into a giant group hug. It took him a second to register who they were, but once he did, he smiled a little and pulled them into a hug too. I was just standing over at the desk looking at them. Dan was wearing my flannel I bought it which made me happy, but then I saw little bumps over his wrists with white at the very bottom of the sleeves. (Band air wrap things you nerds.)

I frowned when I remembered why he had them. I remembered how he carved 4 names into his skin. The word that honestly broke my heart when he gave in and landed himself as that.

I snapped back to reality when I suddenly leaned back because of Dan jumping on me. He was gripping my waist so tight I'm pretty sure the area was bruising, but I didn't care much. I hugged him back and just breathed in his scent (that sounds really weird but he missed him ok)

Once he started to let go I squeezed him tight then let go. His smile was wider than before, but not as lively as before he went to the hospital. He also had more color in his cheeks and really his entire face.

"Let's go home." He quickly nodded which honestly did it for me, I grabbed the sides of his face and pecked him in the lips, not wanting to make a scene. I looked back at his face and now he was blushing. He looked down at the ground which caused his curly bangs to fall over his eye. I just enjoy this moment, he was finally coming home. And I was happy he was finally going to come home with me.  

After what feels like a million years I'm finally back, this was the last chapter of this book.
I thought I should leave it on a. Positive note and I felt this was the best way to wrap it up.

But hey, maybe I'll write a sequel.
You guys tell me if it's worth it.
(Heh, I act so popular, yeet)


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