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Dan's pov

I woke up with a terrible pain in my, well everywhere. It was especially bad around the old scar that had opened up. I looked around and saw a ton of tubes and needles sticking in my arms. I widened my eyes in fear as I realized when I took off my jumper to cool down, my wrists were completely exposed. Which meant Phil and all the nurses and doctors who monitored me saw the scars. I quietly cursed and slammed my head on the pillow.

All the sudden, a skinny nurse walked into the room with a surprised look on her face. She walked over to the bedside and picked up my arm. I tried to pull it out of her grip, but she held on too tight and wouldn't let go. She pulled my arm up so she could see it clearly.

"Alrighty, The doctor is gonna put you on a 4 times daily dose of Paroxetine for your depression and a 3 times daily dose selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, for your, umm, Social Anxiety?"

I looked up at her with a confused look. She just nodded and laughed a little. I felt a little sad how she just brushed off my other injuries and just focused on my depression and anxiety, things that I've had before now and weren't a major thing (Yes I know they are major. Dan doesn't think so)

All the sudden, Phil practically ran into the room, almost crying. I widened my eyes in confusion as he rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug. The nurse tapped him on the shoulder and cleared her throat, getting his attention.

"Hello, I'm nurse Taylor. I believe only immediate family is allowed in and only at visiting hours. So i'm going to have to ask you to leave." He turned his head, still clinging to me.

"The other doctor said I could come in, since i'm the only one here." The nurse grunted and walked out of the room, leaving the two prescription sheets on the bedside desk.

Phil let go of me and picked up the two sheets. He looked at me, surprised and his eyes wandered down to my wrists. His eyes then got sadder and he frowned.

He just gave me another hug and handed me his phone, already open to notes.

"Why." That's all he said, sitting on the end of the hospital bed.

My Dad was terrible to me and I didn't know what to do. I used to go to a private school, which had a lot of bullies. And i used the internet and that was my only rele-

I dropped the phone as I could feel tears going down my face. Phil grabbed the phone and read what it said. He put the phone back in his pocket and gave me another hug. I started to tense up as I realized what was happening. My arms just limply sat next to me as I looked into the distance behind Phil as someone walked into the room.

Phil turned around and saw my foster 'dad'. He looked at Phil, then at me, then down to a paper in his hand. He sighed and looked at Phil.

"Could you please leave and give me and Daniel a second to talk." He said talking in a sour tone that made me uncomfortable.

Phil started to get up to leave, but I grabbed his wrist, pleading him not to go. He looked down at me and nodded with a little smile.

"I would like to stay with Dan, just incase." My foster 'dad' looked at Phil like he was going to attack him. He gave him a super sour look and walked up to Phil, prying my hand off his wrist and then grabbing his other wrist. He then pulled Phil out of the room and locked the door.

He let out a breath, walking over to the hospital bed. I could hear the heart rate monitor get faster and faster, I looked over to the screen and saw a 128. I looked back over at him as he loomed over my bed.

"Your mother is going to have to pay all these bills. All because you don't man up and talk, so people took advantage of you." His voice had a harshness to it that made me sink deeper into the bed. I hoped a nurse would come in because of my increased heart rate, but no one did. It was just me and him in the room.

"Your wasting our money! Do you want to be put back in the system!" He started to scream at me and punch the bed by my feet. I heard the heart monitor go faster again. He kept yelling at me about the reasons they would send me back.

All the sudden, I heard the door burst open and a heavy set doctor walked in with 2 security guards.

"Mr Howell,  i assume." 


Oh hey there, didn't see ya.

So guys, how do ya feel about Mr Howell, nice guy right... No? ok

Yeah, and I researched the drugs and shit, so umm. Hopefully no one looks at my browser history as I'm too lazy to clear it.



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