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(In this story Cry is in sup guy form Aka look at the picture above, Enjoy)


Cry's POV

I was shoved harshly back into the suffocating dark that the small cell produced. I mumbled quietly to myself in pain trying to keep the voices in my head at bay, unlucky for me the man who shoved me heard my mumble and was not to keen to hear me speak. "Wanna speak up, Freak?" my pupils shrink in fear as I quickly back up into the wall hoping that the man would just leave me to my cell to rot like the insignificant freak that I was. But the man with the beard just smiled at me, a sick and sadistic smile that made your skin wanna crawl off your body.

The bearded man stepped closer to me, easily towering over my small form. I brace myself for what I know is about to come for speaking.

Minutes passed, nothing happened.

I sat in silence contemplating on whether not to open my tightly shut eyes. After a couple more minutes passed I finally mustered enough courage to open my left eye,

The man was nowhere in sight.

'Forgiveness? D-did he forgive me?' I stammered to myself in shock but the voices reminded me otherwise 'you just weren't worth his time' one said making me curl up into a ball of my own insecurities over the fact that it was true.

'I wish I could fall asleep' I thought to myself (ignoring the voices talking freely to themselves) But the last dose of adrenaline that they gave me so I wouldn't pass out during their "experiments" still had yet to wear off. God I wish that it would wear off so I could forget about the unbearable pain on my chest from the vivisection that had yet gone numb.

After a while of staring up at the dirty walls lost in thought I finally started to fall asleep but that peace was short lived when I startled awake by the blaring of a alarm and the sound of a struggle between the men and... Something else?

My heart rate sped up as the little slot near the top of the jail like door slid open and a pair of golden eyes peered at me for what seemed like hours before he looked away and called out to someone "Pewdie you might wanna see this..." I heard presumably the golden eyed man say in a thick French accent. Not wanting to be seen by this 'Pewdie' I pushed my frail and broken body off the ground trying to dart to the darker part of the cell but fell back down painfully tearing the stitches that sloppily kept my chest wound from bleeding- well that was what it was suppose to be doing but now blood was pouring freely onto the dirty cell floor.

So I layed on the cold, hard and unforgiving ground now I was in too much pain to move. After a couple seconds of whimpering pathetically to myself in pain with my eyes screwed shut hoping that they would think I was dead and loose interest but my idea was again short lived as I heard the pitter-patter of light footsteps come to a stop at the door and a 'Gasp' as well as the creaking noise of the door opening making my heart drop in fear of what's to come.

"Be careful Pewdie we don't know what it is." The Frenchman told 'Pewdie?' obviously weary of me. "Oh C'mon Stephano it's hurt!" Pewdie said, his voice laced with a Swedish accent.

I suddenly felt something warm touch my chest making me flinch back and snap my eyes open out of pure instinct trying to find the source.

I found it.

It was a blonde haired man. I took note that had jumped back in shock after I flinched 'he must have thought I was asleep.' I confirmed to myself. I looked into his eyes bracing myself to find hatred or fear but I didn't. All I could find was curiosity in his sky blue eyes as he peered into my dull white ones.

"Hey there bro, sorry I didn't mean to scare ya." the swedish man said looking away slightly with guilt and sympathy...? Written all over his face as he paused slightly before continuing, "But don't be scared we're get ya out of here okay?" Pewdie told me trying to calm me.

I again searched his eyes this time for any sign of that he was lying but when I saw nothing but kindness I finally allowed myself to calm down.

Taking notice of my newly calmed form he ever so gently picked me up in his warm arms and wrapped me safely in the jacket that he had taken off earlier.

And I let him.

Once Pewdie thought I looked comfy enough (which truthfully I was) he walked out the door carrying me in his arms silently followed by a man who strangely resembled a statue with his golden skin (and eyes that I saw earlier) and matching clothes, A pink haired man with pig ears? And a brown haired man who seemed to be holding the pink haired man's hand like a lifeline. Ignoring the voices screaming in my head telling me things such as 'its a trap' or 'they'll take advantage of you when your guard is down.' I finally passed out from not being able to handle the pain. (not to mention the newfound warmth.)

Next thing I knew I was waking up in a car that was driving me far away from the facility that stored me away for so long

"Hello? Bro? Stay with me I got you" the voice tried to reason with me sounding...worried? but I just ignored it, I was to concentrated on the peace that filled my once jumbled thoughts. It was finally quiet. "Come on wake up!"

Wake up? I'm asleep? 'No. This can't be sleep, this is too peaceful to be sleep!' I thought to myself, to exhausted to talk aloud. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by something wet and cold falling on my face, something to grab onto to bring me out the fairytale that made everything numb and peaceful and into the pain filled world.

I wake up.


Hey guys welcome to the end of chapter 1 comment if you have any idea's feel free to ask see ya soon :P


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