Chapter Twenty Two*

Start from the beginning

"I'll come with you; just let Anna go and everyone else go. And if I ever hear that you've attacked any of these people, I'll kill you." I growled. The tension was thick in the air as everybody struggled to support my decision, yet like myself, their families faces entered their minds.

"Thea," Dante whispered, "please don't leave." He was holding his chest in pain, eyes showing his fear and despair. "I love you, Dante. Please remember that." I whispered as I walked towards Jake, who had a sadistic smile on his face.

"He'll never love you back after this, Althea. You've left him, and one day he'll move on and find somebody prettier, better and stronger then you. You are nothing." Jake taunted as I made my way towards him.

"You've always been weak, Thea. You couldn't save your best friend, and you won't be able to save your sister or her little pups."

Something inside of me snapped, and in an instant i was in front of Jake, holding his throat and dangling him a few feet in the air.

"You're going to regret going against me, Jake. I'm going to make you suffer for everything you've put my family, my friends and myself through." I sneered, throwing him into a tree one hundred metres away.

'Grab Anna and take her to the pack hospital.' I mind linked Trent, who wasted no time getting out sister away. Jake and I were circling each other, top lips pulled into a vicious snarl. After a few threatening snarls, we rushed at each other.

"You're nothing, Thea. Nothing but a pathetic loser." Jake sneered as he threw a punch and kick my way.

'I love you, baby. Always and forever.' Dante mind linked me, contradicting Jake's words and giving me more confidence. I sent a powerful kick towards Jake's face, hoping to knock him out. Unfortunately, he got out of the way in time.

"No one will ever want you, ever love you or need you."

"Be strong Thea. Be strong for Gabby, for me." Liz's words rang through my head as I aimed my next hit into his ribs, smiling as a few crunched under the pressure of my hit.

"I never loved you, Althea. I used you, and I'd do it all again." Jake growled, sending a roundhouse kick into my face. I staggered to the side, clutching the right side of my face in agony. A loud growl tore through my chest and Alteya, struggled against me to gain control. She was furious.

"Don't listen to him, baby. You're emotionally stronger then him; you've been through so much pain and loss, his words do not define who you are. " Mum said to me through mind link.

Mum's words made me stand up straighter and fight harder. My mistakes, my pain, his words, it does not define who I am.

"Your words don't and will never, define me Jake. I don't have to be physically strong to beat you, because I'm so much stronger then you emotionally. I've lost so much in the past two years of my life, yet here I am. Standing tall and proud and ready to fight somebody I once called the love of my life, my best friend.

"You were my first real love, Jake. But you were also my first mistake - you brought me pain by causing so many bad things in my life. But you also brought a lot of happiness to my life too. I don't regret meeting you, nor do I regret falling in love with you. Because without you, I wouldn't be as strong as I am now and I wouldn't have the love I have now. You brought Liz and I together, and now we have Gabby. 

"I have best friends who I wouldn't change for the world, and I also have enemies. But with all that happiness, I lost so much more. I lost my dignity, I got my heart broken and I lost my best friend. And because of that, you're a mistake.

"So thats why I'd rather die then leave with you. Because I will experience a lot more pain being with you."

My words was all it took for Jake to lunge towards me. Simultaneously, we both shifted into our wolves and started attacking each other. We both went for the easier kills, eyes glowing with a bright hatred as we focused on tearing each other apart.

Our tango went on for a few more moments, before Jake backed away from me with wide and sad eyes. His brown eyes were filled with dread and fear as he hopelessly stared at the people behind me. He involuntarily shifted, and I followed in suit.

I looked behind me, and their stood my grandparents. Their eyes were blazing with fury as they looked at the traitor, somebody who they would once call family. And standing behind them, were Jake's parents and siblings.

His mum stared at him with an open mouth, tears running down her face as she heaved in sobs. She was embraced by her mate, Jake's father, who wore an empty expression as he stared at his son. Next to him, stood Jake's younger brother and sister. His brother was staring at him in horror, as his sister wriggled in his arms to run to Jake. Soon, she was screaming out Jake's name in frustration and anger.

Jake had tears in his eyes as he stared at him family in agony, no doubt he missed them incredibly. "You've risked your own family for power, Jake. They're never going to forgive you for your actions." I whispered softly to him.

I knew that if he stayed any longer, that he would be mercifully killed in front of his family. He knew that too. I stood still, watching as he stumbled away from us, tears leaking down his face as he looked at his sister.

There were roars of protest behind me, but I was quick to silence them with a low growl. Jake took one last glance over his shoulder, eyes locked on his family and then me, before turning his back towards us and sprinting away.

I shifted back to my wolf, laying my body onto the ground and resting my head onto my paws. A loud howl left my snout, full of betrayal, hurt and sadness.

I laid on the ground, regardless of the blood coating my pristine fur. I stared up towards the stars and the moon with sadness running throughout my body and mind. I sent a prayer to the moon goddess, wishing for the safety of Jake, for the sake of his family.

"Goodbye Jake." I whispered through our private mind link.

I was replied only with silence.


Ello, it's been a long time. HOW GOOD IS HARRY STYLES' ALBUM. God bless him 

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