Chapter 4: Telling a friend

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Finally uploading:D

Took long enough:) bahaha:3

Hope you like chater 4: Telling a friend- even though it will be preety boring:)

but the next chapter should be better:)


dont forget to vote, comment and Fan:)



Chapter 4.

A couple of days later, I was finally up to walking around, I hung out with Jake, alot, like usual but I also hung out with Sam and emmie alot as well, they were both super supportive and always made me laugh.

I was hanging out with Emmie today. Since everyone found out me and Emmie have become heaps closer. I was considering her my best girl friend, I felt like I could talk to her, I was glad.

We were sitting in the feild across from the forest, pulling out grass, laughing about nothing.

Everything was calm.

"Who is your mate Kara?" she asked softly, focusing her eyes on me intently, I immediately felt the atmosphere change, it was tense.

I hated talking about him with anyone.

"I'm sorry," she said,"its none of my business."

"no, its okay. I guess you should know considering how close we are now," I said with a half-smile

She looked at me slowly and smiled a little as well.

"Is he in the pack?" she asked.

I nod, my throat closing a little even thinking about him brings the pain, I swallow and answer her truthfully, "yea, he is,"

Im caught wondering what she will think.

Just tell her A voice in my mind whispered.

Oh great. know I'm really going insane. just pefect.

"who is it?" she askes gently. Only a little sympathy in her eyes.

I close mine, looking away.

" Damen." I say softly, hoping she could hear

By her soft gasp I knew she heard me, I kept my eyes closed until I felt two soft arms constrict around me tightly.

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