Rules and forms

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So first off are the rules, yeah ...(unenthusiastically says)
Well we do need them since they do keep things mostly under control, as I say mostly XD
1. Have to fill out form in order to join
2. Nothing inappropriate or dirty, do that somewhere else guys, not in this place.
3. Mild language is allowed, just be respectable of younger role players please.
4. Don't do multiple comments , put the thoughts towards other comments in one comment, don't want anyone confused. Also TAG everyone that you are role playing with unless if it's in replies.
5. Tell people when you are not going to be active.
6. NO overruling characters which means don't kill other people's characters without asking or doing stuff to make you invincible, that gets real annoying real quick guys.
Wrong Ex. She pulled out her knife and threw it at her opponent, striking her straight in the chest.
Correct ex. She pulled out her knife and threw it at her opponent, hoping to hit her straight in the chest.
7. Be as descriptive as you can but if you have no ideas and just put one simple sentence, that's fine just don't do it all the time.
8. No Mary/Gary sues, Google or ask others if you don't know what that is.
9. Put the password Cherryleaf in the comments to get in.
10. Have fun but be respectable over other people's religions, sexuality, likes and dislikes please. No tension here.
11. No cyber bullying or rude and hateful comments, if someone sees that tell me immediately and they are out, you will be kicked out if I catch you doing that.
12. Try to use proper spelling and sentence techniques while typing.
Ex. Gary jumped and rulled thoug the gras while yellin'.
Proper way
Gary fell and hit the rocks hard, hollering in pain.
You can use accents and stuff while talking and please use "parenthesis" while doing dialogue and (brackets) while talking out of the Roleplay.
13. Have fun, you can be any creature you want just don't be a specific being like Zeus or Medusa. Create your own characters and give them flaws as well as strengths.
14. Keep it interesting.
15. Can have relationships with other role players just remember it's not only you two in the Roleplay. Everyone is a main character so don't try to set the setting and plot all around you.
Now for the forms

Theme song: (optional just thought it fun ^^)
Alright, that's all folk! Hope you join!!!

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