Hot tubbing?

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Justin- (texts Selena) come over and we can hot tub 😏
Selena- texts back) 😳 what's that supposed to mean
Justin- 😂 it means that we can sit in a hot tub and talk... I'm bored
Selena- 😂 coming!!! 😌

Selena- quickly changes into

Selena- puts a cover over then walks downstairs) hey momma Mandy- looks at her) what Hun! Selena- I'm going to Justin's Mandy- ok have fun sweetie! Selena- smiles and nods then walks outside and sees Justin sitting on his porch then walks over) Ju...

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Selena- puts a cover over then walks downstairs) hey momma
Mandy- looks at her) what Hun!
Selena- I'm going to Justin's
Mandy- ok have fun sweetie!
Selena- smiles and nods then walks outside and sees Justin sitting on his porch then walks over)
Justin- hey Gomez
Selena- smiles) hey Bieber
Justin- hugs her) how are you doing
Selena- shrugs) I'm good!
Justin- nods) good
Selena- hey I totally forgot to ask about tryouts this morning!! Did you make it?!?!
Justin- looks at her for a while)
Selena- noo... Justin (grabs his arm)
Justin- chuckles) what?!? I made it
Selena- what!!! Justin that's amazing (hugs him)
Justin- laughs) thanks!
Selena- are you excited
Justin- nods) yeah I am actually
Selena- did zayn?
Justin- nods)
Selena- oh that's amazing I'm so happy
Justin- chuckles)
Selena- ok let's go to the hot tub
Justin- laughs) alright let's go
They walk to the back of the house
Selena- slowly gets into the hot tub)
Justin- looks at her then takes his shirt off and gets in)
Selena- mmmm this feels amazing
Justin- chuckles and nods) yeah it does
Selena- looks at him then closes her eyes) I'm so tired
Justin- nods) yeah... Me too
Selena- smiles and looks at him)
Justin- what
Selena- shakes her head and looks down) nothing
Justin- smiles)
Selena- so (looks down) all the teachers know (then looks back at him)
Justin- looks at her) did they say anything?
Selena- well some of them asked how I was and others asked if I was okay.. I just wished no one knew (sighs) honestly why do the teachers have to be involved
Justin- nods)
Selena- it's just honestly kinda makes me upset
Justin- I'm sorry
Selena- sighs and shrugs) there's nothing to do now
Justin- looks at her and opens his arms
Selena- sighs and hugs him) why did this happen to me
Justin- I don't know Len
Selena- looks at him)
Justin- sorry
Selena- no.. Don't be (smiles)
Justin- chuckles)
Selena- smiles and lays on his shoulder) I'm tired of school
Justin- aren't we all
Selena- nods) I guess that is true

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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