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Kohta Hirano:
You were chilling in the car with Alice and Rei while the others are in a store collecting food items. You rubbed your 8 month pregnant belly. You smile as you rub your belly. But as you rub your belly, you felt a sharp pain. You then scream out in pain making Rei and Alice look at you. Zero the dog begins to bark making you scream more in pain. Rei quickly helps lay you down and gets you ready for birth. Rei tells Alice to keep an eye on you and she nods. Alice keeps an eye on you as Rei runs in the store the others are in to find Kohta. As soon as Rei found Kohta, they quickly ran back to you, who was in pain.

****Time skip****

After 6 hours of labor, you gave birth to two beautiful twin boys named Toby and Alex. You smile as you hold Alex while your boyfriend holds Toby. Kohta kisses your your cheek and then kisses his two sons forehead. You were happy and so was Kohta.

Takashi Komuro:
You were sitting in the car with Alice and Saya while the others are out looking for stuff that would be useful for their group. As you chill with Saya and Alice, you begin to rub your 7 month pregnant belly. But as you were rubbing your belly, you felt a sharp pain. You begin to scream as the pain got worst. Saya grabbed a walkie talkie and paged Takashi. Takashi ran as fast as he could to the car and made it to you even though you wouldn't stop screaming in pain.

****Time Skip****

After 8 long hours of pain and being in labor, you gave birth to two twin girls. You smile as you hold one of them and Takashi holds the other.

"So what should we name them?" Takashi asks as he looks at the one he is holding.

"Well I think you should name her. And I name the one I'm holding. Cause I was already thinking the one I'm holding could be named Phoebe." you say making him smile.

"Why not we name this other one, Ami." he says smiling.

You smile at him happily. You kiss his cheek making him blush and smile at his and your's new small family.  

H.O.T.D Baby Daddy ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now