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it was a regular day at school about a month in me and my friend Allie went down to the locker room to change for weights and we where talking about how i was wanting to break up with my ex Luke. we went up to the gym and still talking and i see this guy climbing all over a basketball hoop and i smiled and shook my head saying "show off"

hes done this before and i always did that. To day we did something and we had to jump on the bars and i coudent jump up high enough on them and he saw me having trouble so he came and helped me.

i never really looked at him before i just thought of him as a show off not really thinking much about him. i thought he was really cute and for a while he actually helped me tell i had it. After that in the weight room i would always watch him and I don't really know. but it was nice i would kinda talk to him sometimes and when we would past classes i would always see him and we would smile at each other.

i was in a relation ship with my ex Luke and i started to become unhappy kinda and i waited about a mouth see if anything changed. nothing did. i was un happy for a mounth starting to like this guy.

it was about 3 weeks later and me and my family finally found a house to move into. and it was before class and i asked him " hey so me and my family are moving into a house would you wanna come help" He said yeah and then after that going to 6th hour i asked him for his number and we started texting... 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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