Stressed Out

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This is a quick authors note. Mkay I don't know if you guys already follow this person or not, but if you don't, check out petewentzisdead right now.

I don't even ship Joshler, Brallon, or Peterick but I read practically all of her stories. Her writing is just so beautiful! You have to read her works!

I think my favorites as of right now are Sweeter and Feral. I cry every time I check the story and see it hasn't been updated. I know it's super hypocritical of me with how long I take to update but still! Her stories are actually good. Mine are meh so whatever

(Whatever. Just means there's way more cake for me. Forever, forever. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to)

Anyways, I'm done with that and now, to this terrible update!

Melanie's P.O.V.

After coming up with some utterly ridiculous cover story for the hickey Josh gave me, I just kept my head down and didn't say a single word.

Josh stayed silent as well, only piping up when he had to discuss the plan with Tyler, Patrick, and Brendon. Jenna, Sarah, and Halsey gave some of their own input as well. They asked me for my opinions but I just nodded along and pretended to listen to what they were saying.

I was surprised when we were given actual food to eat. It didn't seem like it had expired years ago or toxic or anything. The girls and I practically wolfed it all down. We had almost forgotten what edible food tasted like.

Patrick explained when I asked why. He said that because we had all been bought, we had to be properly fed otherwise we wouldn't be desirable.

So basically, they just didn't want us to starve or die of food poisoning so guys would still want to buy us.


Besides that, after everyone was done eating, the guards forced us back to our rooms. My heart broke as I some girls with tear-streaked faces being dragged back to a room they were forced to share with disgusting perves. I nearly lost my patience when I saw one of the guys grip a girls arm so hard, he left a bruise.

I was about to go fight him, but Tyler and Patrick pulled me back and gave me a whole speech about how it isn't nice to hit people. Even if they were total douchebags.

When he saw I still wasn't convinced, Brendon jumped in and added that I would get into trouble and start a lot of drama. And if that happened, it would complicate the plan.

That guy was lucky for Brendon's sense of logic. If he hadn't said anything, I would have probably killed him.

But sadly, I didn't and now I'm walking back to the room with Josh, mentally trying to force myself to faint.

You see, the one part of the conversation that actually grabbed my attention was when Brendon brought up the audio recorders. The girls and I didn't know anything about them except for the fact that they were put in each room to spy on everyone.

The guys told us that they were there to make sure no one had plans to escape and that the customers were getting enough pleasure.

It was absolutely disgusting. What kind of human does something like that?

But that's not the part that made my heart stop. I was a little more focused on how we were supposed to trick the audio recorders.

Thankfully, nothing sexual is actually happening, but we have to... Well, um... We uh... How do I say this?

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