Not the water!

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"OwOwOwOWOWOW!,"Bill screeched, writhing in pain.

Dipper just stood there, holding his hand with no care in the world.

"No, seriously. You are so motivational. Thanks for the support."

"Oh! You doing well Bill."

"No! It's too late for that."

It had been 4 hours and Bill really didn't want to deal with the pain anymore.

"Pine Tree, don't take this too bad, but I think my water broke."

Dipper slumped forward.

Bill sighed.

"No really. That's totally okay... Pine tree, I can't believe you would faint at a time like this."

Bill snapped his fingers, nearly struggling to bring a cold as fuck bucket of water over his unconscious lover and allowing it to fall.


Bill tsked.

"Welcome back, sleeping beauty."

"Why did you do that?!"

"Cause I can."

"Bill...,"Dipper groaned.

"Yep, that me.,"he smirked.

Pine Tree, You Idiot!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ