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Here I will write about a few of the Kingdoms/Cities in the series - some will come into this book, and others will come in a little later.

Muhit: The land of the Sirens. Few people trek here with a wish to return safely; sirens are widely known to be dangerous, blood-thirsty creatures that will stop at nothing to rip apart human flesh. The island itself, is beautiful - though the sea's and scanty rivers are tinged red with blood. Nothing more than a few wild sheep and cows inhabit the area, not much is known about it.

Kjorka: The former dragon kingdom was abandoned after a nasty blow from the Carlythians. After King Morrel refused to join Damon's side, he found his castle burnt to ash and his kingdom in ruins. Many say that the dragons responsible had been captured and tamed by the Carlythians, though the true story is that a few of Morrel's own people had bent under Damon's rule. The island is now used for secret army training and is under Lyternia's watchful eye, a handful of rogue dragons still roam the area.

Isdirk: The current dragon kingdom. Is it the most watery of all the islands on their Earth, and the only one with a cluster of volcanoes where the dragon eggs are hatched. The abundance of water serves as no problem for the inhabitants - well, the rich at least. Dragon taming has become a skill that only one person so far has perfected, anyone stupid enough to try it themselves risks death at the hands of the dragon. Royal's are the only ones that can ride on the beasts, with the rest of the general public adjusting their lives accordingly. Smuggling of dragon eggs is common.

Carcere: A dangerous place where few would wish to enter. The island stands as a prison for the most brutal of murderers, and rapists alike. The guards themselves fear to guard it, and a 50 foot high wall around the boundary of the island shows just how dangerous the inhabitants inside may be. To the untrained eye, the prisoners appear to look nothing unlike a normal person, but when provoked, they will not blink an eye as they rip apart their victims. It's not a surprise that a great deal many Carlythians inhabit the island, which is under the control of the Lyternian Army.

Lyternia: The second largest Kingdom on the basis of population - Carlythia being the first. The Lyternian Kingdom is lush with forests and fauna that many would describe as picturesque. The Kingdom is split into two cities, each with their own castle's and royalty. Tanwir used to populate an island just off of Carlythia, but once the wars began to grow more brutal, they shifted to Lyternia for their own protection. Their people are dark-skinned, oval-eyed and dark-haired, and speak a language which closely resembles modern arabic. The Original Lyternians are fair, tall (generally) and broad-shouldered, with thin bones and small eyes. They speak English.
Many say that Lyternia is also home to many mythical creatures, such as centaurs, fairies, nymphs and dwarves. Most of these creatures inhabit Forest Silva - the humanoids; the vampires, werewolves etc. can also be found in the general population thought not many know about them.

Carlythia: By far the most vicious of the Kingdoms, with a population that feeds off of blood. Every Carlythian child is raised to be as bad and as cruel as possible - stealing is common, as is murder and rape and public executions. Assassins mostly originate from his country, and are the best at doing their job. The Kingdom holds many secrets, as does its royalty.
Behind the military base there lies a forest which is a partial home to a group of misfits known as The Disowners. They refuse to abide by any of the kingdoms' rules - neither Lyternia nor Carlythia - and go about their own business how they see fit.

Battle Ruins: This is essentially no-mans-land, where a citizen of any country cannot be harmed. Both Lyternian and Carlythian posts are at the entrance of the ruins, and guards are stationed at the top of the towers almost all day to watch for any signs of an impeding battle. The ruins are naturally separated from the two kingdoms by means of two rivers - The Stag-Horn and The Rojo (which got its name due to the red blood that stained it during the previous battles).

Narybi: An island under Carlythia's control which is dedicated to a cult which worships a certain star - some call him a God - Algol. Not many know about the island, but those who enter very rarely every return in one piece. Bodies have quite often washed up on Carcere, or even Lyternia beaches, with strange engravings etched into their skin and with vital organs missing. They're quickly covered up in a haste by the royalty, to prevent rumours from spreading.

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