Ch. 15 ~His Maiden, Caged~

Start from the beginning

"I'm not weak" Luka said as he slowly stood up and the woman kneeled down in front of him to help him regain his posture."Oh, I'm sorry, dear. That's right, you're tough! You look good out there, kid" she said as she rubbed his head. Luka then smiled at her. "Yeah! After all, I promised my brother! I won't lose to them!" Luka then held his arms out and danced around, "Everyone, everything, all gone! Everyone, everything, all gone!" Luka then stood in front of the lady and shuffled his feet. "But I'll give you a free ticket, lady! Everyone minus two!" Luka said and the woman looked surprised. "What?" "I made a contract! With a demon." Luka said leaving the woman staring at him in wonder.

"That boy told me he'd signed a contract with a demon to make his beloved big brother's wish come true. In exchange for his own soul. At first I thought it was just some children's story. But..."

The village was on fire and people were running and screaming! Many were dead, and the houses and stores were burnt down. The woman watched everything happen before her eyes and then looked up upon a hill and saw the boy, Luka, watching the village burn with satisfaction. The woman stared at him in fright. 

"That day, everything he said came true..."

Everything, the village, the fire, the people and their screams disappeared and everything turned black.

"Back then, I never found out who the other person that was also spared. But then, I remembered a certain young girl..."

The woman watched as Luka, Jim, and this girl wearing a red cloak spend time together. It was obvious that the two boys knew the girl for a while. The woman first spoke to Luka yesterday and now he was with his brother and this girl. The woman had noticed the girl was the one taking care of them.

"I remember her appearance quite well. She was young and I admit, I envied her beauty. The girl was kind, but I could see she was lost in a way. I could also see she was close to those boys as well as they were close to her... I then thought that she was the second person that would be spared..."

The woman then watched as the girl talked with Luka and Jim and gave them a hug. The girl walked away from the village and was further and further away as the two boys watched her leave. 

"The girl had left the village for some reason.... but before the village was destroyed, she never came back..."

Sebastian and Grell stared at her as she finished her story. "I never knew the girl's name, but I knew she had a kind, and warm heart. However, I was indeed the only one who survived and I've managed on my own somehow... But that's all over now, too-" a bang was heard and the bullet shot into the woman's head. She fell lifeless and Sebastian and Grell looked behind them and saw it was none other than the triplets, one aiming a gun from a recent shot.

"Let's get started" Sebastian said as he took off running and Grell watched him. Sebastian ran quickly while dodging each shot and took out his forks and knives. "Oh, no, I let the second handsome pose go to waste! I swear I'll get the next one!" Grell said running after Sebastian with his camera out. 

The triplets used their different weapons to fight Sebastian, but he dodged all their attacks, making them crash into each other on the ground. "Ah, things are heating nicely!" Grell said as he snapped pictures of Sebastian. "Those spry limbs!" Sebastian swiftly kicked one of the triplets to the side. "Look at that cruel gaze!" Sebastian's crimson eyes showed, "Those ankles peeking out from under the cuffs of his trousers!" Grell snapped the picture of Sebastian's ankle and swayed side to side. "He's simply tossing out the poses right to left!"

Sebastian then took out a spool of white thread and in a flash, had the triplets wrapped in a huge cocoon hanging from a tree. "Drat, it's over already?" Grell asked disappointed. "Now, Grell. The death scythe." Sebastian said looking over at him. "Hmm? Why don't you just finish them off?" Grell waved his hand. "Please?" Sebastian struggled to say. "What?" Grell said as he turned and put a hand on his cheek. "Oh, Sebas-chan, you always do this..." He heard Sebastian sigh. "What a hot day it is." Grell looked at him, interested. Sebastian closed his eyes as he dramatically ran his gloved fingers through his hair and beads of sweat glistened around him and Sebastian let out a sigh of pleasure.

Grell blushed and had a nosebleed as he squealed in delight. Grell took out his death scythe as he laughed. He cut through the triplets and their cinematic records poured out. It showed the village burning meaning they were the ones that caused it. Sebastian and Grell watched the records play. "Well, what do you know? So that's what happened. There's just no accounting for demons." Grell commented. "It's essentially what I'd expected," Sebastian said and Grell looked at him. "It is?" "However..."

Sebastian's eyes stuck on one part of the record. It showed the rose garden and Ciel was helping Hannah up as the rose petals flew with the wind. "That, I did not expect" Sebastian said coldly. Grell turned and got frightened when he saw Sebastian's shadow glowing and growing huge. "S-Sebas-chan, you're demon-ing! You're demon-ing!" Grell said shaking. "That will do," Sebastian said while ready to pull the end of the thread. "I'll use the spiders' threads you fancy so much." Sebastian pulled the string and the triplets' bodies were cut and fell from the cocoon in many parts and Grell shivered at the sight. 

"I can't stand for people putting their grubby fingers all over my dinner, also having my mate caged like an animal..." Sebastian said then took off running back to the Trancy estate. "Sebas-chan, wait! You still have two handsome poses left!" Grell ran after him but stopped when he saw Sebastian get more further away. "He's fast." Grell sunk to the floor as he was left in the wind....

~The Maiden in Red~{Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji II}(Red Hood Diaries 2/3)Where stories live. Discover now