Chapter eight

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[Stefan's P.O.V]
Mm another endless night of drinking, except this time it was the good stuff; vodka.

Being alone is boring but I still haven't fully adjusted to the life of being a vampire, so even being around people i don't necessarily like isn't good.

I don't want to kill them but at the same time I do.

I was curious what time it was so I checked my phone. It was 8:34 pm. Officially 2 hours and 6 minutes since I had the run in with Damon.

He wasn't completely wrong, but of course I think that with my drunk mind.

Sober me would set off an alarm in my head every time Elena was near, warning me to walk away, never to think of her again—at least not in the way used to.

Before my phone turned off, something catches my eye a text message from her, herself; Elena.

I've been fighting the part of myself that wants to feel something for her, so part of me doesn't want to look at the message.

But on the other hand she could be in danger I mean, she's cozied up to Damon.

Against all odds I open the message, it reads;

You have until 10pm to come get her or she dies. You'll find her in mystic falls in your old boarding house. The wooden stake is inches away from her chest so don't try anything stupid.

Although Elena and me weren't on good terms at the moment I didn't hesitate to bolt back to mystic falls and burst into the boarding house.

My heart was pounding, but my mind was even worse. The thoughts I have about what Elena could be going through in the moment was enough to kill me.

I never wished her death, all though she does seem dead to me now..

Huh I guess we all sort of are.

It took me approximately one hour to reach the boarder of mystic falls which left me twenty minutes to go get Elena home safely.

I don't understand how to save her, I mean the instructions read 'don't try anything stupid'. Meaning what?

Don't kill the sick person who kidnapped her? Yea sorry but that's exactly what I'm going to do, but for the sake of Elena's life I'm getting her out of there first.

Do not mistake my feelings for her at the moment, I'm not doing this because I'm in love with her—I'm not in love with her.

But I'd hate myself if I let anything happen to her because I was too busy sobbing about something I can barely understand.

When I reached the destination it was 9:58pm and that scared me. Who knew If the clock in there was two minutes fast.

I shook my head, releasing all the terrifying thoughts I had and focused on saving Elena.

I walked in and saw Elena sobbing, when red eyes locked onto mine she seemed calmer.

"Stefan, don't save me. I know you don't understand why. But for me walk out of this house." Elena cried.

The time was ticking and I knew what I had to do, it didn't matter to me how much Elena wanted me to walk out it was her life on the line.

I used what used to seem a car racing down the high way type speed, which now seems to be our normal nature.

I scooped Elena up in my arms bridal style, and walked out of the house without looking back.

"No! I told you to leave, he's gone, he's really gone!" Elena shouted, I know I pushed her away but was she talking about another man?

"What Elena? Who?" I asked, my bottom lip trembling with curiosity.

"Jeremy.. oh my god." Elena sobbed while pounding her fists against my chest.

I was relieved at first that Elena hadn't have moved on but, then guilt washed over me.

"How, would you know that?" I was confused.

"Because it was me or him. You made that choice for me, how.. why.. did you do that?" Elena hopped out of my arms and trudged past me with mascara running down her face.

"Elena wait!" I yelled running towards her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and turned her around.

"You hated me for making a life decision for you. You basically shoved me aside like you're doing everyone else. Does it not matter to you what I say?" She asked.

I couldn't bring myself to realize that I'm just as bad as Elena.

"Hate you? I could never hate you. Plus this is totally different, I never knew your brothers life was on the line." I pointed out, defending myself.

"I couldn't tell you that, I was threatened. But I still told you to walk away and just let me die. Basically what you told me." Elena told me.

"I get it I did basically the same thing as you, but Elena I've moved on." I said, lying to myself but that was what I wanted to believe.

"Really so if I did this, your heart doesn't beat faster?" Elena placed her hand near heart, and Moved it in circular motions.

"Elena, I can't." I paused for a moment. "How are you so easily forgiving me, or even staying stable?"

"Well because I love you, and I know it wasn't your intentions. But trust me I'm dying inside." She said with a tear running down her cheek.

I looked at her, for some reason I see her as a human, pure. Something I've been avoiding seeing.

But I couldn't feel the same way for her.

Ahh, okay I know this story has already begun but, is there any other ships you guys want to see in this story? Let me know:)

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