Chapter four

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[Stefan's P.O.V]
We needed something special to do in celebration of our one year anniversary, this trip is it. But it also works in a way to escape Damon for a few days.

Damon and I were very close, that's why his behaviour shocked me. So I'm hoping that there is still a glimmer of hope that he is still the same old Damon I remember.

We pulled into this gravelled drive way that led up to a logged cabin, very vintage but very home-y.

"Stefan, this place is gorgeous!" Elena gasped as her hand reached my arm.

"It used to be mine and Damon's hideout." I knew Damon was a touchy subject.

"I don't know what to say to that." She bit her bottom lip.

"I'll say it a million times until you believe it, I'm really sorry I never brought him up.  But I told you that he let me down multiple times, and after that letter I didn't think it was safe for you to know." I explained.

"I heard you, I just don't like how you trusted Caroline and then you date me, am I not to be trusted?" She gave me a nasty look.

"Elena! Caroline and me had drama because I couldn't shut up about Damon. It's not because I trust Caroline more it's because I care about you more!" I divulged.

"Sometimes truth hurts Stefan, it's life. But I don't want to spend my life hidden from it because it may bring drama to my life." Fighting was not on my bucket list for tonight but Elena insisted.

"Do you see what Damon has done to us? How our relationship has turned into a volcano full of drama." I shouted with anger.

"Not today Stefan, not like last night or ever. I hate fighting, so can we just act like we're perfect and go be cute and romantic?" She asked.

"You're right." I nodded. "I love you, no matter if we fight, or if you.. didn't love me." That was the truth. That I loved Elena against all odds.

"Never, I'll always love you." I saw a tear run down her face.

We both leaned in, took a pause and looked deep into each other's eyes. My lips landed upon hers.

With passion.

"Let's go get something to eat." I told her.

We intertwined fingers. Right before we approached the door I picked her up 'bridal style'.

"Ahh hey!" She giggled.

"Let me treat you special, like a princess." I smiled.

"Why? Just because it's our anniversary?" She looked almost like she was unable to remove the smile on her face.

"No because that's how I see you, as a princess. And not in the sassy selfish kind." We both laughed.

I sat her down on the couch, as I headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. 

"If I promise not to be how I was earlier, will you tell me about Damon." I looked at her with shock in my eyes.

"Okay, um me being me and Damon being, well Damon. We got in trouble at least 5 times a day. Our uncle Zach was the fun type. All we had to do was snatch a phone and give him a call. He'd drop us off here and we'd basically do whatever. Swim, yell, scream, anything that could get us in trouble with our parents we'd do." I smiled at the thought of happy memories.

"I'm sorry some of those memories may be tarnished from the Damon you've witnessed these days." She glanced at me with remorse in her eyes.

"It's okay, we will figure out whatever made Damon hate me, and fix him." I wanted the Damon I knew back.

"Maybe this isn't a matter of fixing him, but helping him. It's probably a mental disorder right?" She's probably right, u mean what could it possibly be other than that?

"Probably." I nodded my head.

"Wrong!" I jolted back as a response to seeing Damon.

"Damon?" I rushed over towards Elena.

"Ready to hear the impossible?" He looked up at us with a devilish smile.

"Go for it, you don't scare us." Elena responded.

Underneath Damon's eyes started to get vain-y.

"I'm a vampire." Damon said.

He has to be lying. Vampires don't exist. People get old they die, that's the world we live in.

I gulped has Damon raced over to us in a un-human like speed.

He pushed me out of the way slamming me into the wall, but not hard enough for me to loose consciousness.

Damon bit his arm make blood ooze out of it. He grabbed Elena and shoved his bleeding arm in her mouth.

"Stop!" I screamed, i tried to move but i was too injured.

I watched as Elena's life flashed before my eyes. He snapped her neck.

"No!" I shouted while tears ran down my face like a water fall.

"Relax, she's not dead, she's in transition." He better not mean into a vampire because that's not possible.. he's mentally insane.

"Into what Damon? How could you do that to her?" I asked while fighting the urge to kill him.

"A vampire. Before we get into the thousands of questions you have just know you have to die with vampire blood in your system, than feed on a human. I'm planning on making that human you." He laughed then continued. "I'll compel you to stay still while I make you bleed, she'll crave it so much she will feed until you die."

"What happens if she doesn't feed on me?" I asked, not knowing if I really wanted to know the answer.

"It's probably best you don't hear this." He loved this, I could tell, making me and Elena suffer brought joy to his miserable life. And if it wasn't miserable I was going to make it miserable.

"What happens Damon?" I demanded to know.

"She dies, making it you or her." I'd die, if it meant Elena would live, I would die.

Let me clarify, I wasn't thinking of making this a vampire story until the other day but it would make sense, you know? Making his switch turned off.

And sorry for not updating in a week, but I made this a long chapter and plus I have school. So I needed a little break from writing.

Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying the sequel to the last book. (When the titles to long to repeat😂)  also When you search up my girlfriends best friend it says 1.02k views!! Like what! Never expected the book to be popular at some level.

I'm rambling k so don't forget to vote comment and follow!!

Trouble In Paradise - Stelena Where stories live. Discover now