"Jesus Christ! I didn't even know you where there!" Harry exclaimed and I noticed him cringe slightly as he took in Niall's appearance. He actually looked worse now that he was out of bed.

"Yeah well, and stop looking at me like that, I know I'm sexy but I'm not in the mood to be eye-fucked this morning," Niall barked, one hand on the side of his head.

"I hate to tell you Ni, but unless you're going for the whole vampire look then you're about as far away from sexy as you can get" I teased, knowing full well that it'd get on his nerves. He was sick, but if he was well enough to give it then he was well enough to take it.

"Toothbrush Tomlinson, I'll fucking do it," Niall warned.

"How are you feeling, Ni?" Liam asked knowingly with a raised eye brow.

Niall looked at him with narrowed eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because he had a headache or because Liam just earned the next slot on the hit list after me but either way it was frightening.

"Absolutely fantastic, Liam, I'm just dancing on rainbows and living in a glitter-filled world right now," Niall spat but I didn't miss the quiet whimper at the end and the way the hand on his head twitched towards his throat. I could tell that he really wasn't feeling well, the worse he felt the worse his mood and he was really in a shit right now.

Like a kid throwing a tantrum.

 Liam snorted, "that was a tad dramatic."

Niall stumbled, slipping from his position on the door-frame and I jumped up as he caught himself.

"I'm fine."

 He glared at me and grabbed one of the several drink bottles in the fridge before retreating back to his room.

"Well, today's gonna be heaps of fun," Harry sighed, ending the silence we'd been sitting in after Niall's departure.


Niall's POV:

The fact that the lads just found me being sick funny angered me so much. I didn't like treating them like I was, they were my best friends, but I felt horrible and all they could do was joke about it and I couldn't stop the harsh words from bursting from my mouth.

I really hated feeling sick. My whole personality was based on energy and at the moment I didn't have any, even blinking felt like more trouble than it was worth. 

I just felt stupid, it was nothing but a cold but I was pathetic enough for it to take this much of a toll on me.

It wasn't something I was ready to admit to anyone, so when Louis came in again I pretended to be asleep to avoid blurting out more things that I didn't mean.

"Hiya Horan, just thought I'd check in on ya." 

 I tried my best to ignore him.

Louis just chuckled and I heard him move closer to the bed, "I know that you're not really asleep you slug, you're breathing way too fast." 

"You don't know my breathing patterns, and you're the slug," I blurted before I could stop myself. My throat protested in pain as the words scraped past the raw skin.

"Cute voice, the girls are gonna love you,."

"I'm Niall Horan, they already do."

The bed dipped down by my feet and I realised that he'd sat down. 

"Ever so modest, huh Ni?" 

My head throbbed as I poke it out from under the duvet. I blinked a few times and the picture of Louis focused. He was pulled back slightly, his face a mirror of Harry's earlier. Before I could say anything he cut me off.

One Direction SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora