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Her palms held onto her face while she began to doze into a peaceful sleep, her head hung onto her shoulders effortlessly 

"Luka, pay attention," Her teacher had asked, her lengthy legs move into her vision as she glim over the slouch girl. "This isn't home," Luka laughed momentarily into her palms, her thumb grind onto her cheeks. Flush cheeks that burned a sizzling red.

"Yes, it isn't," She had remarked, lifting her head up recklessly meeting her teacher's jade eyes. "If you could at least put effort into teaching then you wouldn't have students sleeping in class, now would you?" She smiled oh so pleasantly, her shallow dimples begin to dot into her cheeks. 

"Try not to fall asleep again, Luka,'' Her teacher had said in her best artificial smile before turning onto her heels and clacked her shoes to the front of the classroom. 

Luka breathes out forcefully before staring around the room, a boy sat next to her. His ashed arms stretched out seeing his veins line up along his wrist. She would be lying if she had said he wasn't beautiful, his features pouch and structure perfectly. Too perfect. 

"Hey," She murmured so quietly, tapping his arm. His face only dropped, staring at his slender fingers. 

"Hey?" She asked again, wanting her voice to contain a humming tone. 

Luka bit down on her curve bottom lip, her lips brought out into a thin line. She ripped a piece of paper out of her math book before she took the pen in hand and scribbled letters. She handed it to him, his eyes slowly progressed to read it with delight washed over his face. 

Girl: Hey. 

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