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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly? To see everything from above? I've always wished I could have any powers to fly or anything as long as I can see everything from a view. That was my dream, but I knew it would never come true. I'm awake in this reality, I'm not in a dream.

Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Yoo Eunhee. I'm in the middle of class right now staring outside the window beside me while the class is silently working on assignments.

It's really boring everyday. Nothing new ever happens in my life, it's just the same all day long. Eat, sleep, go to school, go home from school, and repeat.

In the weekends, I usually just stay home and do nothing, but watch tv, eat, and sleep.

Why don't I go out with my friends on the weekends? It's because I don't have any friends, I'm one of those outcasts that doesn't talk to anyone. I just don't know how to start a conversation. Nobody ever tried to talk or make friends with me.

I'm okay with it, but I hate it. I'm not one of those typical nerds who don't talk to others because they do nothing, but study to get a better future. I'm not anything like that.

In fact, I'm too lazy to do any homework, and sometimes I would get zeros on my quizzes because I didn't study, and was busy exploring the internet.

I hate it, when others judge you, and categorize you by how you look. If they see something bad about you, they don't try to get to know you, but judge you even more.

I judge people too, to be honest. But I don't have the guts to walk up to them, and get to know them better because what if they have a bad first impression of me? So, I just stay in my lane and do things on my own that I'm capable of.

The bell rang, and I snap out of my thoughts. As always, I took my lunch bag, and head up to the rooftop to eat my lunch peacefully.

I eat, and think about more things in my life. I just want highschool to be done, so I can go to college, and start fresh. I know I could have moved school to start fresh, but I'm a senior now. I need to focus more, so I can get a good career in the future even if I wanted to or not.

I stopped eating my rice. All of a sudden I hear footsteps outside the area of the rooftop. I don't hear steps coming from the door, but loud steps from the other side of the building.

I began to panic a little, since no one could just climb up the school to the rooftop without entering through the door. That would be bizarre.

I hear the steps getting louder, and as I squint to see more clearly, I saw a shadow walking up on the wall on the other side of the school building. It turned out to be a black haired boy. It was like he was walking on gravity.

My eyes grew bigger. I spoke without thinking "Y-you! What are you doing? H-how?" I yelled from the other side.

It's head turned towards me, and a surprised boy looked at me. Then, he ran as fast as he could down the wall of the building.

I didn't know what just happened because all I knew was that, I fainted right where I was standing.

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