Chapter Five

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After I changed my shirt, I went back to the kitchen to see about half of the mess was cleaned up thanks to Felix. I felt bad about snapping at him like I had, but he needed a bit of a kick in order to stop flirting with my Jack. Ignoring the remaining mess, I decided to clean it up later - perhaps Jack would help me, though that just meant we'd end up messing around and not doing anything progressive.

Turning to the pan that was out on the stove, I turned it on and sprayed some kitchen shit on it - I don't know, I hardly cook anymore. I poured some of the batter in and waited for it to cook, knowing the first pancake always takes the longest. 

After I cooked all but the last one, I started on the final pancake, then small arms wrapped around me from behind. I immediately smiled and turned, seeing Felix. I scowled and he laughed, doubling over in tears. 

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," He laughed and sighed contently, running his hand through his wet hair. 

"Whatever. Where's Jack?" I asked, pissed as I finished up the last pancake and put it on a plate with all the others. Felix started getting three and putting them on his own plate, sitting down at the table. 

"Getting pretty, I think. I jumped in the shower right after he got out," He shrugged and started eating the pancakes plain. "Hmm... Could you get me the syrup?"

"Get it yourself," I grumbled and grabbed two more plates from the cupboard for Jack and I. I only got Jack two, as he was just a smol bean, and I took four. 

"Oh, stop being so whiney and man up. I was just messing around, I do that sometimes," He rolled his eyes and went back to the counter, grabbing the syrup and going back to his chair. "I don't see why you're so mad. If you really wanted Jack to hug you from behind while you're cooking all domestic-like, then you would've made that happen. Either you confront Jack about the way you feel or you just might lose your chance."

"What? Are you planning on telling him?" I laughed, thinking that sounded unlikely, knowing he didn't have the confidence to ask. I would have by now, if it weren't for the fact that I didn't know if he was gay or not. 

"Yeah, very, very soon, actually," He smiled and I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. He could be trying to get me to ask Jack, so he could find out his sexuality, and then swoop in and take him from me if he were - or continue being friends with him if not, he might be trying to take this the safe way.

"Well good fucking luck to you," I scowled and wanted to leave the room, but Jack finally came in. He was wearing his cute glasses and wearing a baggy, black sweatshirt that made my heart swoon. 

"Geez, you guys look like you're having a bad morning," Jack smiled, immediately improving the atmosphere of the room. He noticed I had already gotten his pancakes ready and beamed at me. "The pancakes smell great, Mark! I could eat them plain. Thanks for cooking!" 

"Hey, I cleaned!" Felix chuckled and Jack took his plate and went over to sit next to Felix, kissing his cheek. 

"Thank you, Fe," He giggled and I almost broke my plate of pancakes in half by gripping it too tightly. I hated the nickname he gave him and set my plate down and started to head out of the room. "Mark? Where are you going? Aren't you going to eat with us?"

"I'm not that hungry right now. You know what they say about cooking filling you up and all that. I'm just going to shower and heat it up later," I sighed and noticed he was frowning.

"Oh... Okay," He said in a small voice and I left the room regretfully. Maybe I should've just stayed, but I didn't want to see anymore small kisses or nicknames. The jealousy within me was eating me alive and I couldn't take it. I wanted Jack all for myself, is that too much to ask? That Swedish meatball needs to step off. 

'What the fuck do I do?' I thought to myself as I stepped into the bathroom. I can't let Felix have him, but I don't have it in me to confront Jack. I can't imagine my life without him and admitting I'm in love with him could fuck it all up and make everything awkward. I wish I could kick Felix out and have it be only Jack and I. 

Why can't things be easy? I want to spend every minute I have in this world with Jack, but it's so hard admitting that, in fear I'll lose him. Felix is making it all worse, as he has absolutely no shame and flirts with Jack - who seems completely oblivious to everything going on around him. I wish he could open his eyes and realize we're both madly in love with him and basically tearing each other apart in jealousy.

Apart of me misses the days where we all still had our girlfriends and lived thousands of miles away from each other. Though I've loved Jack for two years, it was better having him far away from Felix and I, than him being sitting in that kitchen, kissing Felix's cheek. Everything had gone to shit, thanks to fucking Keemstar and his channel, DramaAlert. 

I still couldn't believe his video convinced so many people. How could that many people truly believe we were all cheating on our girlfriends with Jack? Even our significant others didn't believe us, did Felix and I really make our love for him that obvious? I still feel guilty about it, thinking it was our fault we ruined his relationship by being in love with him. He was so sad for a long time, but hid it well and worked with us to make him happy again, though we still get lost in a funk now and then. Hopefully, if Jack and I get together, our exes won't think we really were cheating on them the whole time. 

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