Chapter 1

51 5 2

Song :
Taylor Swift

Lynn P.O.V

It was a white forest, there was an unicorn standing over the corner I went to touch it, omg this unicorn looks sooo pretty, As I was about to touch the unicorn, some one was pulling my leg , fuck off you asshole am going to get my unicorn, unicorn come to me baby, mama loves you! That's when it started to rain, but wait, why is it raining in the summer? I can hear voices around me, where am I ? That's when everything did hit me, I am dreaming I slowly open my eyes, I can sense two figures aren't they my two best friends ? Omg omg Omg shopping get ready by 10 am. I'm late, I should probably hurry up to the bathroom or they are gonna eat me alive, before they got hold of me I ran to the bathroom, god, me my super athletic talents and my non athletic friends !

It's been a while since we have shopped for our new academic year, what could be more fun than shopping with friends. We could try hell lot of clothes in the trial room.
Jane and Lauren are my two close friends, I couldn't imagine my life without them, we have been together ever since our third grade and we share everything.

Jane is the shortest among us, she has a boyfriend, His name is nick. Nick and jane are madly in love with each other.
Lauren is the left hander. She also is the odd one in the group , she can entertain people with her sarcastic comments which itself makes her attractive. Lauren had this Undying love for a guy named "jerkhole"( I kept this name for him) . She confessed her love for this guy, he accepted her proposal and dated her for a while after which we found out that he was a gay , he just used lau for saving his reputation . That jerk ! Lau was upset for more than two months she kept herself locked up in her room, she skipped all the parties and sleepovers we had. And from there was this new Lauren who would kick the ass of all the fuckboys who would dare to cheat girls. Should say, this change over of Lauren was really fun for me and Jane to watch she was so daring and cool . And that jerkhole's real name is victor.

After finishing my shower, I dressed myself into a faded Jean and some t shirt that I got from the market place. I simply applied my kajal and got my hair In a pony tail. I wore my sneakers. I took my iPhone and some cash and headed down to see my two best friends fighting for something . I headed towards the kitchen to find my mom baking something.

"Hey mom, morning." I greeted mom
"Morning dear, come and have your breakfast, your friends had theirs. I made pancakes and there's two remaining for you, I saved it from your friends"

"Mom, we are heading to mall today to do some shopping" I said
" that's good , get something for your brother if possible or else he'll trouble you for not caring for him"

He is seriously a pain in ass, he'll start acting as if I hate him and he'll get all rewards and I will be the one who is abused for acting like a bitch. By the time I completed my breakfast.

I kissed my mom goodbye and went towards the hall to find my two friends chatting about some meme they saw in Internet.

"Hey bitches, let's go " I said

"Time to have some fun " jane replied and Lauren replied to jane"dare to text or call your boyfriend now and that will be the last time you speak with him"
We got in my car jane sat in the front and Lauren sat behind and I was driving.

Bear with the errors, I'm new to this !

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