Hello It's Been a While

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Darn you, Party! Be nice to the  people!

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Darn you, Party! Be nice to the  people!

I'm still trying this out, so let's see if it's gonna be a thing or not. Skip to the end for the announcements.

Just Because I Don't Have Photoshop....
Remember, not pointed at anyone in particular.

Okay this week's procrastiNATION topic is brought to you from our super mobiles Mya and Llyn.

*Rachel and Lani wave at the sidelines*

And them too.

There is a specific type of discrimination that isn't talked about very much on Wattpad.

Mobile vs. PC

Now we're not going to get into the writing side of this because none of us have three hours to read this, but if you haven't noticed mobile users often get stomped on.

As soon as the words "I make graphics on my phone" are uttered, mobile users are immediately underclassed. Some of us stay mobile because we like it, but most of us don't have a choice.

So saying, "You need to get Photoshop" becomes downright insulting. Sure Photoshop may be the better program, but some of us just can't afford it. The blue strawberry had to walk 25 miles to scrounge up the money for the phone she used current and it isn't even a good one.

Be conscious of people's life situations.

But that's not the insulting part. When someone goes to up to you and starts going on about how Photoshop is the only good program out there, you're saying that someone's covers can't be good if they don't use the same program that you do.

What about the Pixlr Editor users?

The GIMP users?

The ones who transition between smaller devices and programs to get a more professional look?

The mobile users?

Especially mobile users. We have a stigma around us that what we do isn't good because we only have a phone.

As Mya's friend Angelina once said, "It doesn't matter what tools you have, it depends on the artist."  An amazing artist can make beauty out of nothing.


So shoutout to all my mobile users out there who think you'll never be good because you don't have Photoshop.

Yours Truly, The GuildWhere stories live. Discover now