Chapter 14

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                Two hours into the party Emily felt she might be able to make it through the whole ordeal unscathed. Liam Orrman met them at the door and invited them in. He appeared to have started the party a bit earlier than the stated time, if his red nose and tipsy manner were any indication.

                “Shane, m’boy, so glad you could come. Jack tol’ me all about the movie deal. Can hardly wait to see what I’ve been imagining for the past three books. Angelina Jolie, eh?” Liam elbowed Shane lewdly, sloshing his margarita slightly while Shane grinned and shook his head, gently steadying his neighbor’s nearly capsizing drink with his left hand. Orrman turned his attention to Emily after thanking Shane for his steadiness.

                “And who do we have here? The newest flavor of the month? Oops, that wasn’t gentlemanly of me at all, miss. I’m into my cups a bit, retiring as you know. I don’t see Shane too often, and, well, even less of his companions!” and the man laughed hilariously, while Shane glanced quickly at Emily, hoping she’d take the rudeness in stride.

               The Orrmans were fairly harmless, but he knew Lily was a social climber of the first order, while Liam, as long as he got his creature comforts, didn’t climb socially or physically. They had a daughter cut from the same cloth as her mother, and he’d heard she had recently divorced.

                Emily leaned in conspiratorially to Liam Orrman, smiled angelically and replied, “My flavor would be Sticky Bubblegum. You know what they say about bubble gum, don’t you Mr. Orrman? Once you get it stuck on you, it’s a dickens to get off. I guarantee you’ll be seeing more of me than his other flavors of the month. Happy retirement, sir.”

                Both men stared stupidly at Emily, who returned their gazes smugly. Then Liam roared with laughter, while Shane simply studied his date with a thoughtful quirk of his lips.

                “Touché,” he murmured under Mr. Orrman’s laugh. Emily raised her eyebrows slightly, turning away and slipping farther into the room.

                As the two men watched her well-showcased legs propel Emily away from them, the older man said more lucidly than expected, “She’s different than your other ones, McNeal. She actually has a personality to go with the bod. I’d say she’s a keeper.”

                After absently glancing at Liam Orrman, Shane stepped forward, intent on following Emily like metal to a magnet. As he left his host, he commented, “I agree, Liam. I agree.” 

                Her confidence waning the farther she got from him, Emily chastised herself even as she blew out a breath of relief when she glanced back to see if Shane followed. Relaxing at the sight of his approach, Emily paused in the doorway to the great room, taking in her surroundings with awe.

                While Shane’s house was just as huge as the Orrmans’, his had a homier, lived-in ambiance, with comfortable furnishings and no-nonsense décor. The Orrman home, on the other hand, screamed professional decorator. A circular foyer boasted a stunning chandelier hanging high above their heads with crystal drops sparkling as the finest diamonds.

                Natural- toned rocks formed the foyer walls and continued into the gathering, or great room. Mood lit with dim table lamps, the lighting was assisted with strategically placed skylights in the ceiling above. White painted built-ins with spotlights on expensive objects d’ art lined the room, already spilling over with guests in various forms of evening wear.

                Most women glittered with sequins, while black tie formal wear dressed the men. Emily felt mildly relieved to have chosen lace over flashy sparkles; she stood out merely for the fact that she didn’t look like all the others. Normally preferring to blend in, just being Shane McNeal’s date defeated that ability, so Emily had opted for stately good taste, with a dash of sexiness. She knew she looked good, if the admiring male glances she intercepted were any proof, as well as Shane’s initial reaction.

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