Chapter 21

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               Analise was furious with her for accepting a date with the S.O.B. named Shane McNeal, who’d had the temerity to come out here and cause a ruckus. Emily also didn’t dare let the children know Shane was in the vicinity, since they had missed him as much as she had in the early days. She begged and pleaded until Analise and Tim agreed to watch the kids overnight.

                “Not so you can go and have an all-night orgy with that two-timing, no-good—“

Her sister spluttered to a stop as Emily interrupted quietly, “Technically he’s not a two-timer...”

                “Don’t make excuses for him, Em! You were a mess when you got here because of him, and I don’t want to see you go through that all over again. Don’t ask me to!”

                They had been sitting in Ana’s kitchen watching the kids jumping into the piles of leaves they and their older cousins had recently raked up. Emily had nodded thoughtfully to placate her sister. Now, on the morning of The Date, Emily had her townhouse to herself, Tim having come to pick up her brood and take them all to a farm for the day, cider making and animal feeding on the agenda. She owed her sister and brother-in-law big time for today, since Shane had instructed her to be ready at nine A.M. in comfortable attire. Perhaps a night on the town for Tim and Analise would please them.

           Satisfied with her favor repayment method, Emily trotted down her narrow stairs to the family room to gather her jacket. The days had finally become cool without the humidity, and the nights were downright nippy. Emily enjoyed her new home, but found herself missing California’s less extreme weather, especially at the beach, which then circled her thoughts back to Shane, who took that moment to ring the doorbell.  Heart lurching within her chest, Emily stumbled to the door, took a calming breath, and opened it.


                Shane’s simple greeting sent Emily into a tailspin of emotions, culminating in one thought: oh, God, he has no business being so gorgeous! Finger-combed dark hair, deep, dark soulful eyes she avoided for fear of drowning in them, smooth, tanned cheekbones, all set off by the slate blue cashmere sweater he’d chosen to wear. Her internal turmoil at just the sight of him bode ill for the rest of her will-power. If she’d thought she was over him, this one glance was all it took to erase the months of work she’d put into forgetting him.

                “Co-come in. Just let me lock up and get my jacket,” and Emily clumsily turned from Shane in the doorway and moved farther into the room, leaving him standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

                “Where are the kids?” he asked hopefully, causing Emily to turn from the dim kitchen area to reply, “I’m not ready for them to see you, Shane. They-they missed you a lot, and I won’t put them through that upheaval again. They’re at my sister’s, who, by the way, disapproves of today.”

                He nodded thoughtfully, wistfully, stepping forward and saying, “Good thing she’s not coming with us then.”

                Emily shrugged, quickly locking the rear door, grabbing her faux leather jacket and heading toward the front entrance, giving a wide berth around her male companion. After she passed him, Shane smiled to himself, recognizing her avoidance for what it was: attraction. Her capitulation might be easier than he’d first thought, as he rounded about to follow her, admiring her heart-shaped ass just as he’d always done before. She’d showcased it well in the snug jeans she wore, the Catholic school girl’s plaid blouse with modest scoop neck, and low-heeled boots. Sighing inwardly, he resigned himself to a full day of perpetual arousal as they headed out the door.

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