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‭‬I had just turned sixteen when I found that I was unequivocally in love with myself.‭ ‬It was factual, substantial, and after going through my memory banks I also found that it was destiny.‭ ‬I was born and I will die by myself.‭ ‬I never had a brother or a sister and the dogs I had grown up with grew senile and were put into a never-ending sleep.‭ ‬And what was wrong of loving myself anyways‭? ‬I wouldn't want to ever give my‭ ‬hand to anyone in a union,‭ ‬I needed my hand.‭ ‬And what if the one who possessed my hand were to take and early death‭? ‬Buried with my hand‭? ‬I didn't think so.

‭‬My grandfather had laughed at me when I had told him of never wanting to be married off due to my undying love for myself.‭ ‬Narcissist,‭ ‬he called me.‭ ‬But I didn't love myself for my looks.‭ ‬If anything,‭ ‬I would've despised myself for my looks.‭ ‬I was average what with my foreign looks and unruly hair that always managed to mangle itself into tangled webs of mud.‭ ‬Maybe he was looking for conceited‭? ‬Grandfather never was the brightest when it comes to words,‭ ‬old age tends to do that to you.‭ ‬Regardless,‭ ‬I stayed quiet and walked off to my room for the remainder of that day.

‭‬That had been nearly a year ago.‭ ‬Almost exactly a year ago in fact.‭ ‬In this entire year so much has happened that I wouldn't be able to retell it in my admirable way of making it interesting.‭ ‬It was a rather boorish amount to retell and life goes on with me as Petri.‭ ‬Just Petri.‭ ‬The Summers part of me got lost on the ghastly ship ride out of the long states,‭ ‬but life goes on as I have already said.


“Tree.‭” ‬I muttered rolling in my bed only to peek for a small moment before closing my eyes once again.‭ “‬It's Petri.‭”

Cerb gave me a look.‭ ‬I never really understood his looks in all my time of knowing him,‭ ‬all I knew is if he wasn't nodding it wasn't good and if he wasn't furrowing his brows it wasn't terribly bad.‭ ‬Cerb was what I considered of boy of nineteen yet a man of a billion.‭ ‬He was cold and kept to himself most of the day,‭ ‬rarely talked unless he wanted to scold you or request something of you,‭ ‬and I've never gotten requests before.

‭‬Obviously I was going to get scolded.‭ ‬Again.‭ ‬And by the way his eye squinted down on me I could tell it wasn't a particularly nice scolding.‭ 

‭‬“A birdie told me you skipped out on cooking today as well.‭”

A birdie told him.‭ ‬And if my hunch was correct,‭ ‬which it was,‭ ‬this birdie he's talking about is Elm.‭ ‬You see,‭ ‬Elm was what most people called a massive snitch.‭ ‬I'm not so mean however,‭ ‬I have a much better term for Elm.

‭‬Fucking owl of a bitch.

‭‬Elm was a bit younger than me,‭ ‬she'll be turning sixteen in a few months if I remember correctly.‭ ‬She tends to sneak up on you without a sound,‭ ‬almost as if she's teleporting from place to place.‭ ‬Small chin-length mess of blonde hair always hid her eyes which is why it always shocks me when I turn and see her beady eyes locked on me.

‭“‬You can tell the owl I had it covered.‭” ‬I mumbled under my breath turning to the side and seeing Cerb moving across the dressing room.‭ ‬The girl's sleeping dorms as he had referred to it when I first came to.

‭“‬You still skipped your duties.‭”

“You ate something didn't you‭?”

Cerb sat down n the foot of my bed,‭ ‬not looking at me but certainly thinking about what he was going to tell me.‭ ‬He was so fatherly towards everyone despite not being much older than most of us.

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