Chapter Eleven- Hazel

Start from the beginning

"Hazel." The voice said, louder and more firmly.

"Who's there?"

"I can't say, but I'm certainly not a foe. I have valuable information about your future and your demigod friends' future as well." The voice said, coldly and mysteriously.

"Our future?" Hazel asked.

"Yes," The voice replied, and Hazel could almost imagine it smirking, "But it comes with a price."

Hazel almost groaned. Of course, this could be valuable information, maybe it could decide life and death, but the price was what Hazel was worried about. There was always a catch, because no one was generous enough to give you anything for free.

"What's the price?"

"Jason Grace's life. I overheard the conversation earlier about you and the son of Jupiter going to defeat Alcyoneus. It's a perfect opportunity to kill him; just leave him as soon as you enter Acropolis." The voice explained.

"You want me to kill Jason?" Hazel asked incredulously.

There was no reply, but the heavy silence gave her the obvious answer.

"You mentioned Alcyoneus. Is that the giant we're fighting?" Hazel asked, her voice sounding much calmer than she felt. 

Again, there was no reply. Hazel could still feel it's presence, but it stayed silent.

"I assume you want an answer." Hazel stated.

"That's right. Answer quickly, I'm sure you don't have much time to spare. You won't be waking up until I get an answer." The voice informed.

"No, I will not kill Jason." Hazel replied without hesitation, "I don't care what the information is about, I don't care how helpful it could have been, I will not betray my friends."

"You're throwing away a good future, daughter of Pluto. Your destiny could have changed, but you're headed to certain destruction. I will give you one last chance." 

"Tell this to everyone who is going to oppose us in anyway; we will not betray our friends and we will make our own destiny. We won't bow to anyone's will and we will save the world. No matter what." Hazel replied stubbornly.

She was answered with silence once again, but this time she could sense the voice retreating, "Very well, Hazel Levesque, I will warn everyone. But beware, this decision could have saved that one person that was going to die."

Suddenly, a wave of regret washed over Hazel, but it was quickly followed by courage. The bravery appeared out of no where, and her voice was calm yet scary, "I don't care."

The dream dissolved and the last thing Hazel heard before waking up was cruel laughter.

"Time to go, Hazel. Quickly take a shower and get dressed, Jason's already eating breakfast." A voice said quietly, pushing her into the bathroom. Hazel had already prepared the clothing for the next day, and Piper was dropping it into her hands.

"Hurry!" Piper exclaimed.

Hazel nodded sleepily, closing the door and stepping into the shower. The cold water didn't wash away her sleepiness; she hadn't slept well anyway and she was very tired.

She took the towel and dried her body, slipping on her clothes and walking to the Dining Hall. 

"Good morning." Piper greeted, Jason doing the same thing right after.

"Good morning." Hazel replied, sitting down and eating her cereal. She wasn't hungry, but she hadn't even slept well, so she needed some form of energy.

"Are you ready?" Jason asked, eyeing Hazel.

Hazel smiled in return, "Yeah. I learned last night that we're fighting Alcyoneus." 

Jason seemed to completely relax as soon as Hazel said that, and Piper smiled in relief, "That's good news. I don't think that the two of us alone would have been able to defeat Porphyrion."

Piper's face darkened for a moment, but she returned to normal so quickly that Hazel felt like she imagined it, "It's time for you guys to leave."

Hazel looked down, realizing that she had already finished her cereal. She had been absentmindedly eating, even if she wasn't hungry.

"I guess it is." 

The three demigods headed to upper deck; the Argo II hadn't moved at all since last night. The Acropolis wasn't too far, they could take public transit if necessary, but it was pretty reasonable. 

Piper reached up and gave Jason a peck on the lips before disappearing down the staircase. Jason stared after her for a moment, then flew down to the ground. Hazel quickly followed using the rope ladder, catching up to Jason who was already half a block away.

"Do you know where we're going?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah. It shouldn't take too long." Jason replied, looking up ahead at the street name.

As soon as they arrived in Acropolis, things started to go wrong.

Alright, I worked really hard on this chapter, even if it is just a filler. Let's try and get 18 comments this time! Thanks a lot for reading and supporting me <3


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