Rewind III: You, Who Gave It All (Pt.1)

Start from the beginning

Ugh. What was she thinking? Now she was getting all these absurd ideas. Just look at how ridiculous that sounded. She didn't even know the full story yet and here she was making a plan as if she was going to change ninja history.

The Uchiha heiress stood, frozen, in the middle of a village that wasn't her own. Instead, the ground was completely covered by sand, which was accompanied by strong winds. She rubbed her eye when a few specks blew their way into her eyelid, which only made her start to tear again.

The time-travel had already taken her to a new point. She hasn't been to the sand village too often in the future world, but it was obvious she was there right now. In fact, she promised Boruto and Mitsuki that they would go on a personal adventure there one day, but it never really came around.

Oh, well.

It was evening here, and the sun was about to set. After taking a few moments to gaze at the pink tinged sky above, she began to walk. Slowly, but keen of her surroundings. She took note of how different it was from the Leaf Village. It didn't seem like a lot of people inhabited this place, but she knew they were probably all inside of their homes at this time.

After a few moments, Sarada paused in her tracks as she sensed a group of people coming up from behind her. Oh a whim, she hid behind the nearest house alleyway so she couldn't be seen.

Immediately, she saw three people walking past her. She recognized one of them as her mother, and the other two seemed to be Naruto and Kakashi. Her mom still looked the same as the last time-point that she'd seen her in, so it was either before or after when the last time-point incident happened.

They look like they're going somewhere. Sarada thought, judging by the way they held their gazes in tact. On a whim, she decided to tail them. If anything, she was going to get to the bottom of everything.

"My family is dead." Sarada thought back to the words of her father, feeling a shiver go down her spine. .. What on earth happened?

In amidst of thought, her feet shuffled their way way closer to the three-man group, quickly darting behind each building she could get to as they continued to walk ahead.

It looks like they're going to the Kazekage's office. She thought, noticing the tall, circular building that had the wind letter on it.

Suddenly, she let out a little gasp as the silver-haired man stopped in his tracks before the rest of the group and gazed behind him, searching the dead town. Sarada quickly popped her head behind the building wall, cursing herself for getting sidetracked.

"Show yourself."

The Uchiha should've known that their sensei would be the first to notice someone tailing them. Slowly, but defiantly, she walked out from her hiding out onto the sandy road. She held her gaze with him, but looked over at both her mom and Uncle Naruto to acknowledge their presence.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "You are?"

"Sarada." The girl with the glasses said, feeling a bit weird that she had to introduce herself so many times, although it was necessary.

"Ehh, why are you following us?" Naruto jumped in, more confused rather than suspicious.

Frankly, she didn't know what would make a good answer. After all, she had no idea what was going on at this time-point. In this moment, she glanced over at the blonde and noticed that her father wasn't present with the two of them and their sensei. She wondered where he was.

"I want to help." She blurted out with no specific plan in the course of her actions. No doubt, they're probably on an important mission.

The three of them darted their eyes towards the leaf symbol on her headband, confirming her identity. They looked at eachother for a moment, as if they were deciding whether or not they should let her in.

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