A Beginners guide to: THE END OF THE WORLD

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Chapter one - Get prepared 

Ok, You find out the world is ending, and you have to get prepared. So what do you need? Well, first you are going to need food, obviously I recommend a type of food as it lets you keep your energy from all that running from earthquakes you are going to do! Simply put all your things in a backpack because it lets you run faster.

Now, you are going to need a weapon. So pack whatever you can find (Bazooka recomended for zombie apocalypse) and  you are going to need drinks of water. Fesh water is the best as it does not spread germs easily. Now you are done packing, lets move on to modes of transport.

Chapter two - Modes of transport

So you are going to need a mode of transport. a car is one of the best options as it: 1. keeps zombies away. 2. Goes quite fast. And 3.Very small so you can get through those falling buildings! Please refrain from using trains because conducters will have to check everyone's ticket before setting off.

Chapter 3 - Earthquake!

Now, the first disaster you will probably encounter is the earthquake. The earthquake is most likeley one of the most powerful disasters as it can kill mutiple argets at a time. get in a fast car and head for the sea, as it is the only place you might not die in. Earthquakes are not very predictable so you might want to steal somebodys boat before things on land get ugly. Keep in mind that when the earthquakes hit get to water as quick as possible because the tidal waves start happening after a little while. Bottom line is, get to the ocean as quick as possible.

Chapter 3 - Tidal wave!

Tidal waves are among the worst of them all, tidal waves are known for being fateful so you might not want to be on a waterski at the time. Tidal waves wipe out large amount of people and rarely anybody survives so get onto your boat (Not waterski) when you see the wave coming. Try using a fast speedboat or a fast yaught, but not a cruise ship because if you have seen the movie "2012" Things don't turn out great for the cruise ship members. Bottom line get out of the way of the tidal wave!

Chapter 4 - Zombie apocalypse

Yep, zombies, some fool has managed to let out a deadly virus which infects most of the planet and you need to fight it. Now, like i said in chapter 1 you will need a bazooka to blow up the large amounts of zombies, whatever you do, don't let them bite you because you will be infected and you will turn into a flesh-eating zombie too. Don't use a sword, because if you use a sword you will have to get near the zombies to fight them off! A sword i just too risky. The only way to wipe out all of them is to find a cure (Simple) Or you can just kill every single one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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