Im married, dating two people, and I have a child??

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So this is what you've missed:

Married: so I'm married to this guy friend of mine. He's taking my last name.

Dating: I'm dating my bestie (girl) and we have a 'secret relationship) and my husband doesn't know so shhhhhhhh

Dating: there's this boy that I'm friends with but we also slow dance together at like every gathering that has music and according to my bestie,(read second paragraph) him and I had a threesome with my hubby (read 1st paragraph) on the night of our wedding and now we have a 'complicated relationship'

Child: my other bestie is 'caramel' skinned as she called it so me and my first bestie are black and white (me being the white one) and she is our child so she is biracial. She wanted to be biracial because she said they are really pretty.

These are my friends.
This is my life.
And I'm ok with this.

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