Episode 2: Recruitment Drive

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Chandler: They Say Necessity is the mother of invention... I wonder what necessity caused the invention of Jack Daniels..

                         Recruitment Drive

Lucy: Alright Roll Call!

*the other Spartans walk up and Gilmithel was panting, Gee was whining about the walk and Max was bouncing up and down. And Chandler could barley stand up*

Lucy: Private Gee

Gee: This sucks.

Lucy: Private Gilmithel

*Gilmithel was lighting a cloth on fire*

Gilmithel: Present

Lucy: Ensign Chandler.

Chandler: *drunkenly* F*** you.

Lucy: you would like that wouldn't you, 10 laps.

Chandler: *sighs and takes off*

Lucy: And... Lieutenant Max

Max: Here I am! And ready to serve on such a lovely afternoon! I mean seriously feel that breeze! It's not. A hot summer day it's a cool one and the temperature is 76 degrees Fahrenheit. My ideal temperature! Well not that we'd notice because we're in full Mijnoir armor with internal cooling but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate the simpler things in life!

Lucy: Okay your here, now pipe down.

Gilmithel: So why are we even here!

Lucy : Our first mission has been sent to us.

Max: Wohoo!

Gilmithel: Okay so what's the plan?

Lucy: Well it's a really simple task. Since a certain private among us who I will choose not to name, decided to blow up our base of operations. We're to move 10 miles west and find the now abandoned "Frost Station" up in the mountains. It's a simple hike and reclamation, basic stuff.

Max: So what your saying is... Field Trip?

Christopher: yeah a field trip. If your five.

*Soon the group is walking up a mountain slope*

Lucy: Alright everyone. Look at the mountain around us. The station could be well hidden so be on alert

Max: Isn't it a really beautiful day!

Gee: It would be a lot more beautiful if I wasn't near ready to die of heat!

Lucy: How! Your armor has a heating and cooling system.

Gee: It does?!

Gilmithel: Did you not go through basic training?!

Chandler: Or hear what Max said literally ten minutes ago?!

Gee: I'm sure I did.. I think..

Max: She was certified when she joined my unit.

Lucy: I'm sure..

Max: Hey I am kinda offendeeeeee... *he trips and falls forward the tip of the helmet landing in the dirt*

Christopher: *cracks up* Look at that!

Gee: Max are you okay?

Max: My helmet is stuck!

Chandler: Are you able to move?

Max: Hmm... *shakes around but is still stuck* NOPE... GUUUYS HELP IM STUCK!

Lucy: So what do we do.

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