One of those Nights

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Chocolate brown eyes dart about as it tries to count the million stars overhead,

Bouncy curls sway to the wind,

Legs tap about in a rhythm as a hum fills the air.

The fire merrily cackles away sending out its embers to dance,

The audience of sunflowers sway their heads and dance along-

Even the stars decide to have their own fun and shone bright.

It was one of those solitary nights by the campfire for her.

A small smile graced her lips as she listened to nature's music.

Seems like nature wanted in on her solitary party.

Though she was alone, she wasn't lonely.

She knew what she had at that moment-

A feeling of peace, serenity descends around her.

It was one of those nights.

One where she was ensconced with nature.

One of those NightsWhere stories live. Discover now