Just The Beginning

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hello everyone it's the start of a new story which always excites me. This is my second wattpad account cause i felt the need to start over. PLEASE read and share with others but most of all comment if you can. Any little thing helps and encourages cause at least i know someone is reading and wants more. Anyways onward we go...

When you're young everything is so easy, things are black and white. You're either good or bad, something is fun or its boring, you're either happy or sad but grey areas rarely exist. As you get older you start to realize that most things in life fall into varying shades of grey while a good two percent or so are ever truly cut and dry, black or white. That's why life gets gradually more difficult and messy, all of a sudden what used to be simple is now overly complicated. 

I think it took me a little longer than most to come to terms with this fact of life, I grew up sheltered by my family in a small southern town where things always seemed black or white. You were adored or you were mercilessly judged by the flock of overbearing older Baptist ladies who seemed to know everything at all times and held enough standing to sway the towns opinion. 

Most of this hadn't come to my attention yet but as I started noticing these things I began to feel restless. I was looking at them in a new light and seeing how all I do, how I was raised, the decisions I make all revolve around staying in the white area never daring stray too close to the sinful grey. Now I stare off and wonder if I'm truly living, am I the way I am because I wish to be or because I'm expected to as not to ruffle the flocks feathers and have them turn their incessant tongues in my direction. 

Snapping fingers bring me out of my musings and I look around at a now emptying stadium, great I spaced out during the entire last quarter of the game and my father doesn't look entirely pleased. I smile sheepishly at my dad in his coach's uniform, clipboard still in hand, hat covering his dark brown hair and obscuring his light periwinkle eyes that no doubt reflect annoyance at my recent distracted attitude. 

Without a word he sighs and tilts his head to the side motioning me along and I don't dare hesitate, quickly standing and filing out of the football stadium passing by the grand Lawrence High school sign just as the parking lot comes into view.

More to come soon...

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